March 30, 2016
Reply ID: wFcp
Emma222—Dear Ms. Emma,
Thank you for you encouragement and kind words. Guess what? I had the footprints in the sand in a picture framed up on my wall in my living room and bathroom. When I used to get down, I would read those words. Also thank you for the two things you recently heard. Very encouraging to know that people are being loving and kind to others. 'Cause I believe each of us was put on Earth to love and help others.
Concerning the packages: our packages are paid for through this company called Access. We have order forms. The person sends the money to the company that we order. The company sends us the items that was ordered. So if you were to get me packages, you just send the company the money and they send the items to me.
However, I do need packages. But right now, the focus is getting media coverage for my legal case. I am in need of lawyers, medical examiners, and private investigators in order to get the help I need. I am going to have to pay the company Conpals Inmate social networking. I desire to run everything on this site for two years. In order to get results, I would need to hook a lot of app to it. Not only that, I am trying to get my books published and more people involved with my writing. Social media will do that for me.
Ms. Emma, can you and some friend raise $2,000 and a postal money order to Inmate Connection (LLC/465 NE 181st #308, Portland, Oregon 97302)? You would write on the money order funds for Jennifer Johnson personal and legal web. Thank you if you can help.
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