April 19, 2016

Journal (4/8/16)

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


"Death Row" Journal
April 18, 2016

It was 28 years ago on this exact day, that I was married, to Lisa Michell Brannon. I often wonder how she's doing. I hope life is treating her well.

Last night I got back the grievance, denying me of access to the GED, through the educational dept. Once I get copies, I'll be posting it online. I'll also be sending copies to attorney's, ACLU, Amnesty International and anyone else, that may be able to help. This battle hasn't even begun, and it won't end, until I win, and get my education. Yes - this is far from being over!

I didn't get a single letter last night. That needs to change. I'm going to write some more organizations over the weekend, see if I can locate some more individuals.

I already been in the GED book this morning. This next chapter is directing me to write a story, so I will, then I'll send it out, get a copy made, and post it on the blog, cause it'll be about my life. I'll be starting that this afternoon.

Filed my formal grievance on this GED giving me access to the educational programs. Wrote two letters, and been in this GED book. Was told that I got a legal call out this afternoon, no law library. I guess I'll go. I need to do some research into what needs to be filed in order to stop this Feb 16, 2016 memo, also what I can do about this education. Need to do some legal reading in this material that just came in.

Been working on a story on my life, for this GED book. Did some reading earlier, then the Warden, Assistant Warden and a bunch of others col. major, Captain, Lt. Sgt, all came through. They always make a positive comment about my cell. "Looks good Clark" or "nice bunk thank you". Their thanking me for making my bunk like this. But this is something that I've always done, since I first got here. Back then, no one made their bunks, but I did. I like to have my cell clean and in order.

Still waiting to go to the law library. Over at UCI they get 2 hours a week. Over here they don't. I'm trying to change that. I'm always trying to change something, can't leave well enough alone, ha ha.

The Assistant Warden did tell me that we're going to start to be allowed to take our Radios, MP3, MP4 players to the recreation yard next week. I had been trying to get that approved for a while, so next week I'll be able to go outside and listen to my music as I workout. That will be nice.

I hear lunch out there now. I'm on the Vegan tray. Not because I'm a Vegan, but it's better than the regular tray. I give most of the food away. I'll take a couple of food items off to cook with, and give the rest to someone who doesn't have a lot. "Do to others, as you would have them do to you". That is the truth to my new Faith, and my church, which is "universal life church, new beginnings".

Went to the law library and actually found in the rules where it does allow me to get it. So now I've got to write the Bureau Chief of Education and get them to approve it. I'm also going to have people make phone calls. I'll even pay for the GED so the state has no cost. I will get this GED.

I'm currently cooking dinner for my neighbor and I. He's a Muslim and on a Fast, so he can't eat until later tonight. Once it's cooked he can warm it back up at 8pm. Just fish, rice, cabbage, beans, carrots, tomatoes, some seasonings. I'm a really good cook. Guys all down the hallway are always asking me to cook for them. I wish I would have done that as a career. I'm good at it and I like doing it. Time to get back to work.

Well I got a little bit done. Wrote the Bureau Chief of Education requesting approval under procedure 501.106 section 2(e) to get my GED and even paying for all expenses. This way the tax payers have no argument about me getting an education.

Other than that I've been doing some reading on some legal issues, that could possibly help me out.

I'm about to call it a day, and go to sleep. Didn't get an exercise session in today. I've got to get back on that tomorrow.

Hopefully I'll get some mail tonight. [Stick of an angry looking bear with quote "Why Is The Mailman Keep Passing Me by?"]


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