May 3, 2016

Inmate Request

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Ronald W. Clark Jr.


Request from Ronald:

I’m grieving the Fact that the EDOC is unjustly denying me of an education. There’s ample room in those GED classes, and there are secure cells, that would allow me to sit through the class. So security is not an issue. (Note. Classes are held in A/C visiting park, which I’m in every weekend, walking freely around Free world people, population inmates, and staff). I should be allowed to rehabilitate myself, and not just warehoused in the 9x6, 54 square foot cage like some type of animal. I want and need this education to better myself and that will allow me to not only become a better more productive individual, but it will allow me to make others around me more productive human beings. For education/knowledge is the key to staying on the right path. Relief sought: wherefore, I’m calling for allowances to be made, to allow me, to participate in the GED educational program, so I can get a proper education. Thank you for your time help and hopefully compassion in approving this grievance and allowing me to get my GED.

Response from Warden:

Grievance denied. Our current policy does not provide for education services for death row inmates


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