Papyrus Collective
June 10, 2016
From Write or Die by Byron Wilson (author's profile)


NigGeR 1 of 5

(Picture of slaveboat)

Water, misused to steal us away from home,
Water, misused to steal us away from each other,
Water, misused to steal us from ourselves,
Water, poisoned to flood our hearts with hatred,
Yet, we hate water, who was never our enemy.

(picture of slaveboat)

Nigga I bear, I love
Nigga I sing, rap, dance, I drum,
Nigga I believe in You and Me,
Real Nigga'z live free

--Xzyzst (exist)

NigGeR 2 of 5

I ask myself, what, if anything would I say to my Son and next generation about the N-Word. Keep it organic My Nigga'z.

#1. Know facts
For example, most anti-N word people base their argument on Nigga deriving from Nigger and not Negro, which to them is a white man word, created specifically to degrade and disrespect Black People.

So, from this vantage point, the narrative for reason not to use the N-word becomes solely based on the maggot minded, multiple negative uses of the N-Word, and I think by now, my seeds have pretty much heard that side, we all have.

I want my seeds to know the facts of the origin of the word NIGGA that existed way before Southern white America merged disrespect into its meaning.

You see, I no longer want to focus on what The White Man knows, "now", and how we view it, I now want to focus on knowledge that was common, even to White men that dates even further back into 1626 and beyond. Do your own research, study facts.

Europeans, including those that participated in enslaving Black people had access to dictionaries and other lexicons, and writings published by explorers of all kinds that speak clearly to maps of specific area's on the African Continent:

Here's one: Century Dictionary of 1904
Nigritia - a region in central Africa, nearly equivalent to Sudan, and the home of the most pronounced types of the Negro Race.

What does it say? It says that Nigritia is the Home of the Negroes.

3 of 5

I chose to quote this 1904 definition because the date alone puts American white men on blast about what available information as to the origins of the N-Word, in a period where they knew or should have known, that even the Arabic word - SUDAN literally meant, and still means "Land of the Blacks."

"Nearly equivalent" was not added to the definition for the purpose of disrespect, it is therefore in my opion stated to educate the reader to the comparative nature, in descriptive direct relationship of geographical locations on planet earth that one may gauge a mental picture of the hue - color of the skin of the race of humans that called it home.

Go online right now and search Ogilby's Africa (London 1670) and look at the map and find "Nigritarum", south of the Sahara, from the Atlantic to the Nile, seriously, look at it.

By now, my seeds would opine that Nigritia is the Latin version of the Sudans, "Land of the Blacks."

Now look at the Latin word for Black - Negro. Even to this day, the Spanish word for black is - Negro.

That word is still a color, based on no disrespectful intent towards Black people, in fact, it is our experience that Miate is the Spanish word to disrespect Black People, and not Negro. The White enslavers have zero documented history in America where Miate was used by them against African Slaves, fact.

1786, earlier Neger (1568, Scottish & No. England dialect), French Negre from Spanish Negro. Sympathetic writers used Black in 18th century & 19th century, after the American Civil War, Colored Person. All of this coming after White men's misuse and pronunciation. Dialect Niger, Negro, Neger, Nergre, Nigger, Nigra, Niggah, Nigga.

4 of 5

I've found Niggah used in 1925 used amongst Blacks in America. I want my seeds to know that there was no excuse for those good Bible toting slave drivers not to know about the Book of Acts 13:1, "Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger".

When I was a kid, I asked my stepfather Rev. Stewart did that word mean Nigger, and if so, why was it in the Bible? I was just happy to see Niggaz in the Bible.

Rev. Stewart explained to me that the word Nigger through time came about from the word Niger and Nigeria.

He taught me that Nigeria is a place in Africa, and came from the word Niger and Niger is a Latin word that means Black, but that's not all, the Latin people think the word not only describes a river in Africa, but it is said to literally mean water - Ni-River-Ger Water.

I was way too young to understand it then, but now as an adult, I figure, even if Niger meant Black, OR water, or not. In my mind growing up I always assumed that All Black people collectively knew this, and that Nigga connected us as a race to some Miracle Black Water that white people stole us away from, don't laugh, because, as it turns out, my 7-year-old boy ignorance was more on point than how we as a people view the word right now, which can be proven as a phonetic spelling of the Southern American white man's mispronunciation of the word Negro. Yes, pure dialectic mispronunciation of a word having zero connectiveness to hate from white people.

5 of 5

The irony of that last statement came from Phil Middleton and David Pilgrim, Dr. David Pilgrim, Dept. of Sociology Pilgrim? "Nigga please" lol; Ferris State University, 2001.

Even with knowledge of the N word's origins, as known to white America before, during and after the physical slavery of Black People, we ourselves teach against referring to each other as My Nigga, as if White people can own the word by way of misuse with the intent to cause harm, and our next generation are unable to reclaim the same word that was taken and abused the same as our ancestors and extract the negative power from the word belonging to US.

Travis Scott crested a catharsis that was so very needed in our time, but the sad part is we as a Black People refuse to see the western dictionary meaning of the word Black, because the B words was treated the exact same way the N word was treated, yet, it's cool of others and ourselves to call us Black, but we can't call each other My Nigga? WOW, Nigga means black, say black, not Nigga.

I want my Son to understand that people play these word games to subconsciously remain enslaved through the addiction of the struggle, addicted to hang ups, and allowing maggots to define us, and hate our own name, hair, lips, our dance, our own voices; sounds like we all could use a new generation to cleanse us all with some sort of Miracle Black Water, a living water flowing from the bellies of our soul in equal portions, sharing this one earth as the home of us all.

- Xzyzst (exist)


Replies (2) Replies feed

Ashke Posted 8 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
Thank you so much for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. My husband and I spent quite a while discussing what you had written so clearly; a lot of it already being things He knew and had previously discussed with me. I learned from your writing and for that I thank you. I agree it should be one world for us all, and live in hope it will happen during my lifetime. It all depends on how we teach our children and their willingness to stand up for what is right to effect the changes needed. I hope a lot more people get to read what you have written. Thanks again. Take care.

Byron Wilson Posted 8 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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