Feb. 9, 2017

Rambles of Suffering

by Jesse Wilson (author's profile)


Blog Post- Jessie Wilson #99919555 1-25-17

Rambles of Suffering
In the darkness of isolation the only remaining truth able to be believed is that which has timelessly allowed humanity to thrive, Empathy-- yes empathy-- motivated as it is by love and conscious mind, it is that which allows peace--
Here sitting in a concrete box in solitary confinement for well over a decade, inmate stamped on my name for close to 19 years, I know well the mercy provided through empathy- it is only due to empathy I do not hate the individuals who chain me & keep me from touching my family- O but i struggle! For I am a human being! I love! And I know what is being done to me, evil- indifferently caging human beings in concrete boxes is evil- period- to face me and kill me would be more humane- but the falseness is upon this world, so much so that it seems a mercy to indifferently cage human beings in concrete boxes as opposed to directly facing them and carrying out the so called "justice' -it's cowardice- and sadly it is uniquely human- for we possess the extremes- we are called to choose love- empathy speaks- I do not know why or what I'm saying here- all that I know to be "truth making" on a human level is empathy- we must see one another beyond the surface of a moment- we must acknowledge- complex

[drawing of a man with hat and beard and tear or tear tattoo with a bird beside them like a bluejay or cardinal]


Replies (2) Replies feed

jessicahoda Posted 7 years, 12 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
Hey Jesse, I just wanted to tell you that even though we lost touch you are always on my mind and in my heart and prayers!

Love ya always, Jessica Hoda

kirstinmoody33 Posted 7 years, 7 months ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 7 months ago   Favorite
I often think about you and the fun we had growing up. I wish you well. I don't understand where the hate and things came from. I just wish you well...

❤ Kirstin Moody

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