IF an act of violence is committed while under the influence the individual, not what put them under, is still responsible for the violent act. Unless the individual completely refrain from consuming alcohol, and using drugs, he is unlikely to cease his violence. The more he/she consume and depend on the two, the more violent he/she will be. Both alcohol, though legal, and drugs are both physically and psychologically bad for a person and those who come into contact with the consuming individual(s) while under the influence. Both are uppers and downers, in that they are a depressant or a stimulant, which can cause an addiction to occur.
Once under the influence, the first thing an individual feel is brace. You bravely say exactly how you feel with no filters in between, and behave erratically without regard to others. It impairs your ability to think wisely and your physical ability is slowed to where your mobile ability is affected.
The use of alcohol or drugs will have a negative effect on your relationship with others, damage your mind, body and cause you to lose everything, have trouble with the law and even cause death. You may not be aware of your own emotional state while under the influence. How can you tell if you are sad or angry when you are rambling, then, when you are sober someone else has to tell you what kind of condition you were in. Who wants that?
It is important for you to know whether you are dependent on drugs or alcohol, measure your consumption and know when to stop altogether if you realize you are leaning towards depending on either.
Experimental use = First time use, happens once or twice for a brief period of time
Moderate use = A weekend, dinner or other social setting use only
Abuse = Leaning towards dependency
Dependency = Compulsive user
Death = your body and brain becomes damaged irreversibly
Which one are you?
We've talked about let downs, disappointments, rejection, anger, stress, aggression, domestic violence and drugs and alcohol. Now let's talk about what's next and plan B, because plan A does not always work out as we plan. Perhaps, your plan A, because you've thought it so meticulously and finalized its stronghold but then...bam!
It all slowly begins to come tumbling down brick by brick then, all at once, it's all gone. And all you have is just one brick you must rebuild with. That brick is you, your foundation. You must take that whammy and turn it into success. You did it before, you can do it again.
First, you must ask yourself, whether it was the job you lost, relationship, apartment, car or whatever those bricks amounted to in your life...how do I feel about myself? More importantly, how can I rebuild? What is my worth? You must decide whether the job you were, perhaps, laid off from, was what you really liked doing, if you were happy doing it, if there was room for advancement and what the actual benefits of working that particular job were, other than a pay check, for example. This sample could apply to whatever it is, on whatever level; you feel you had a failure or non-completion.
Evaluate yourself or have a friend point to you your strengths and perhaps those things you can improve in. Only you can decide whether it is feasible, beneficial or just the fact that you always wanted to, but had a gear or needed a boost (being fired or laid off) to start your own business. Of course, the first order of business is to know your talents, strength and value, as well as weaknesses before you put your courage to use and began laying out the necessities of your own business...beginning a side business, if possible, until you go full time-if you choose to start your own business, get into a new relationship, new car, apartment, etc.
Say you do decide to start your own business, and this sample is for all the things in life you wish to begin over in, and you have put in say, ten years of your life experience in the job you once had, you can put those same stills (experiences) into your new venture. Your old employer can be your first client. But every decision you make must be feasible and there is no extreme added financial burden to put on you that you cannot handle. Whatever decision you make for yourself they should be financially and emotionally rewarding for you. You must possess the skills to deal with and handle conflict, manage change and be inspiring yo the team you build around you to assist you in your new quest.
If starting your own business is not an option or on your agenda you should groom yourself for your next employment opportunity by sharpening the skills you already possess. Without over analyzing it, you should decide if it is/was your relationship that is no longer working for you, what the root cause of it deteriorating is or why it is dissolving and reevaluate some things that could have impact its crumbling circumstances. Perhaps you did not practice enough patience, there was too much verbal aggression or you were too giving and the gesture was no reciprocated. Whatever the case, you must look within and seek answers, then go, not settle, and speak about what you expect in a relationship-up front. You owe it to yourself.
Don't dwell on the past, past issues, unresolved issues, what went bad in a past relationship or be too cautious in a new relationship; thinking those past issues will happen again. Be you and move forward with new meaning, always.
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