CDCR Number P-68859 Housing Unit: 1-N-34L CSP-San Quentin, CA 1 Main Street San Quentin, CA 94974
July 24, 2017
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Regulation and Policy Management Branch
Division of Administrative Services
P.O. Box 942883
Sacramento, CA 94283-0001
ATTN: Timothy M. Lockwood, Associate Director
RE: Public Comments on the Proposition 57 Regulations
Dear Mr. Lockwood,
Greetings in peace. I am writing to provide comments on the Prop. 57 Regulations and offer my expertise and prospectives about these regulations prior to the September 1, 2017 "public comment period" conclusion.
I have been incarcerated since 1999 and I am a "second-termer" who has been sentenced to a prison term of thirty(30) years-to-Life under the Three Strikes Law for a wholly NON-VIOLENT, no weapons involved, with no physical injuries inflicted, second degree robbery (PC 212.5(c)) of a fast foods restaurant in Long Beach, CA. This offense was committed while I was highly intoxicated on "crack cocaine." I take full accountability and responsibility for the negative choices I made eighteen (18) years ago, and I offer no excuses for my past behaviour, and this is why I send you this letter today.
Mr. Lockwood, I am concerned about these regulations because the proposed regulations should not EXCLUDE people who are serving "death sentences in slow motion" under the Three Strikes law for "nonviolent crimes." The People of the State of California voted and passed Prop. 57 with full knowledge and understanding, with the "intent", to INCLUDE nonviolent "Three Strikers" in the non-violent early parole process. My entire family, children, friends, and community supporters all voted for Prop. 57 because they understood the significance of people having "hope" and rehabilitation, and they wanted to make sure that Prop. 57 incentivized all prisoners to make the change into positive members of society.
As for myself, I began rehabilitating myself in 2003 at a Level 4 facility (CSP-Lancaster); and along with my financial and social integration "parole plans", family and community support, current employment offers, acceptance into three (3) CSU Colleges to further my education, and pre-approval into a various CDCR-sponsored transitional housing program, I am the "Poster Child" for early parole considerations under Prop. 57. A cursory review of my electronic "C-File" will clearly show that I no longer pose any threat to society at the age of 57 years old, and that my prospects on parole are very favourable for success. This is based upon the following mitigating factors:
*The offense I committed on the night of April 10, 1999, does not define me as the person I am today. The events of that night, or my background and situational circumstances, may have influenced my decision-making abilities "then"; however, "today", I am fully accountable for who I will be when I walk out of San Quentin State Prison.
*Since 2003, I have focused all my efforts in developing my true authentic self; this was done by transforming the way I think, see, and behave so it has become the natural way of living for me. I do not blame society, conditions, of environmental factors for my past behaviour, and through this "self-connection", it has allowed me to have deep empathy towards others. Today, I am "proactive" rather than "reactive." This ability will assist me in being an effective person on parole.
*I have vigorously addressed my "substance abuse issues" and have not used ANY illicit drugs and/or inmate-manufactured alcohol since April 10, 1999. I attended AA/NA groups since 2002, completed an intensive 16-week "Addiction Recovery Counselling" (ARC) training program, and has participated in, completed, and/or facilitated in numerous "cognitive behavioural" groups, including but not limited to, "Non-Violent Communication" (NVC), "Restorative Justice", "Victim-Offenders Education Group" (VOEG), "Partnership for Re-entry Program", "Teaching Responsibility Utilizing Sociological Training" (T.R.U.S.T.), and Veteran's Support groups.
*I possess over 30 "Letters of Support" from various community members, including California State Senate and Assembly members, who are and will be important components in my "parole plans".
*I have over 100 "Laudatory Chronos", 30+ "Certificates of Achievements", numerous "Letters of Recommendation", from CDCR Staff and Correctional Officer, a Captain, and a Lieutenant for a "Heroic act" of saving a man life, which they have all observed my daily demeanour and which speaks to my character.
*I have achieved an "Associate's of the Arts" degree from Patten University, and have been pre-approved to attend San Francisco State University, Cal State Fullerton, and Cal State L.A. in order to obtain my Bachelor's degree.
*I currently have received 5 "Letters of Prospective Employment" for meaningful and gainful work from various businesses upon my immediate release.
*I am pre-approved to numerous "transitional housing" facilities located in the S.F./Bay Area, Los Angeles, and Orange County.
In conclusion, Mr. Lockwood, there is no reason why benefits of Prop. 57 should not apply to all nonviolent prisoners, such as myself, who have demonstrated through their actions, that they are eligible for early parole considerations. For all of the above reasons, and among reasons, I strongly recommend that the CDCR reconsider it's position of excluding "nonviolent Three Strikers" in violation of Section 32(a)(1) of Article 1 of the California Constitution.
Thank you for your consideration of this important issue.
Sincerely yours,
Edwin Jay Hutchison [signature]
Edwin Jay Hutchison
cc: ejh
Edwin Jay Hutchinson
CDCR Number: P-68859
Housing Unit: 1-N-34L
CSP-SQ / 1 Main Street
San Quentin, California 94974
July 17, 2017
Board of Parole Hearings
P.O. Box 4036
Sacramento, California 95812-4036
ATTN: Ms Michelle Mayer, BPH-Senior Staff Attorney
RE: Petition To Advance Tentative 2019 "Consultation Hearing" Pursuant To The Passage Of Proposition 57
Dear Ms. Mayer,
Greetings in peace. May this letter find you in good health, in a positive frame of mind, and enjoying all the wonderful things that life has to offer.
Ms. Mayer, at the age of 57, I am entering my eighteenth (18th) year of incarceration for a wholly non-violent offense; therefore, I am writing to formally petition for an "advancement of my tentatively scheduled BPH Consultation Hearing for April of 2019"
This request is based upon the fact that on or about July 1, 2017, the new parole consideration process was expected to go into effect, and as I qualify for consideration under the new "Non-Violent Parole Eligibility Date" (NPED), I respectfully request to have this Consultation Hearing advanced as I am the "poster child" for relief under Proposition 57. A cursory review of my C-File demonstrate my "exemplary behaviour" and prospects for a very successful transition back into society as a positive, contributing, and productive citizen. Please visit my blog to learn more about my personal journey of enlightenment and insight which I openly share with the world. Ms. Mayer, you will undoubtedly observe that I have shown sustained positive progress and programming while imprisoned, and demonstrated that I no longer pose any threat to public safety.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this very significant matter in my life. I await your expeditious reply.
Sincerely yours,
Edwin Jay Hutchison [signature]
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