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Once saved, always saved... that's a myth that false teachers spread to their congregation in order for them to merely talk the talk, and not walk the walk. We see Christ's warning to his followers (US) in *Matthew 24:11-13* verse *13*. He states "But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved." Doesn't get much clearer than that. *You must obey and* **follow the teachings of Christ to the very end!** Not almost to the end, but to the *very end!*
If we look at the sheep and the Goats, in *Matthew 25:31-46* most try to say the Goats are unbelievers. To dispel that, look at verse *44* where they answer Christ, "When did we see you Lord hungry, thirsty, stranger or naked, or ill, or in prison and not minister to your needs?" An unbeliever wouldn't have asked that. Addressing him in that way, is clearly a believer, who has not put Christ commands into *action*.
Christ says, "Why call me Lord Lord and do not do what I command" *Luke 6:46*. Look at *John 10:27* "My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they *follow me*." See also *John 12:26* "Whosoever serves me must *follow me*, and where I am, there also my servant will be. The Father will honor whoever serves me." See it in *Matthew 16:24*, *Luke 9:23*. A Christian is a follower of Christ, who stands on the teachings of Christ and applies them to their daily lives. Yes many will come, but few will be chosen. We seen this in *Matthew 19:16-22* the rich young man, who Christ commanded in verse 21 to "*Follow me*." The young man left sad, for he had worldly goods that meant more to him than Christ and eternal salvation.
Today's teachings are being *sugar-coated by False Prophets, False Doctrine, Deceivers* and it was foretold that this would happen. See second *Timothy 4:3* "For the time will come, when people will not tolerate *sound doctrine, but following their own desires* and insatiable curiosity, will
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accumulate teachers and *will stop listening to the truth* and will be diverted to myths." We see this all over the place, with these mega churches, filling people's heads with the *false doctrine* they want to hear, rather than the true doctrine of Christ that they need to hear. Many are being deceived, turning from sheep to Goats, from followers of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, to followers of these *false teachers*, the deceivers of salvation, who are snatching eternal life from the hands of men and women, who are allowing their *itching ears to hear only what they want to hear*.
Yes why call him Lord Lord, but do not do what he Commands?! "Matthew, Mark, Luke, John his Commandments are there, for us all to read, for us all to *follow*. Lord I did not know!" I say to you, whose fault is that? For in Christ's "instructions" he warns of these false prophets; see *Matthew 7:15 - 20*, Matthew *24:4, 11, 23, 45*.
Christ said this is my Command: Love each other *John 15:17* Love your neighbor as yourself. *Matthew 22:39*. Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. *Matthew 5:48*.
Don't be deceived by these false prophets, spreading their lies. Christ wouldn't be caught on a 53 million dollar jet. He wouldn't be wearing a three piece suit, rubbing elbows with the rich. *No* he would be exactly where he was 2000 years ago, mingling with the poor. They had thoroughbreds, gold chariots, expensive elaborate ships back in the day that Christ could have ridden on, but he chose a donkey and an old fishing boat. Yeah don't buy into the deception. Follow him.
May God bless you and the Holy Ghost lead you to the true teachings of Christ.
In His Love Mercy and Compassion
Ronald W. Clark Jr.
[Transcription note: Text surrounded by asterisks *like this* have been underlined by the author. **Double asterisks** denote double underlines.]
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