Reply ID: 6k99
Reply to 2nottaught (LP):
Thanks a ton for the thoughtful and encouraging comment. I think I know who this is... I've had some contact with an LP recently, but then, I bet more than one person has those initials.
Your mention of The Little Prince brought a tear to my eye, as that book goes deep into my childhood in a few ways. I grew up with it, but only in Polishi Maty Lord. My dad read it to me, but I never really learned to read it myself, one of my many nagging regrets. I didn't even know it was a famous story in English until I was a teenager. Your comment made me think intensely about my dad, who died not so long ago, and my grandmother on his side. I think she probably gave me the book when I was 4 or so. I've never read it in English, and I'd like to.
You sure hit the nail on the head regarding being the only rose in my garden. That fact causes me infinite pain. And it does leave me little but to cultivate the "most true and essential Dymitri," which creates a sort of paradox since very little that is the "true and essential" me can grow in the barren dirt I'm stuck in. I want to challenge myself, but I'm usually not sure how. Still, you're right. How did Voltaire put it in Candide? "Il fait cultiver notre jardins"? I think I flubbed the grammar there. But "we must cultivate our gardens." Our roses. Or whatever.
Thank you for reading some of my other posts. Why did this particular one stay with you? Are people still transcribing my posts? And, if anyone is reading this and would be willing, I'd sure like to see a list of all my posts (the titles only) from the first until now. I can't look at this site myself, and I forget what I've sent after awhile.
I'm also curious. Do other prisoners/bloggers get a lot of comments? Do people often post negative comments? I got a form warning with every copy of a comment sent to me about ignoring negative comments, but I've only ever gotten friendly and helpful ones.
Write to me directly at:
D. Harszewski
P.O. Box 409060
Ione, CA 95640
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