Aug. 27, 2018

Comment response

by Jennifer Johnson (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  The Inner Racism With Your Own Race thumbnail
The Inner Racism With Your Own Race
(July 17, 2018)


Reply ID: 38pg
August 19, 2018

Hello, Kenneth. You are not bothering me.

Yes, the inner racism with your own race is some of the worst scenarios I've ever seen in this era. We are letting one president do whatever he wants without repercussions. We are living in a generation where everyone loves to cover themselves up, self-centered, and manipulation of others for their own benefit. We need recognized selfishness. It is painful, but it is the first step on the road back to the correct path in life.

Have you ever amazed yourself by what you say and do to avoid facing up to wrong actions? You are getting a glimpse of selfishness in action. This is how our generation of today is acting, and so is the president and the government.

Who was Laban? His weaknesses and mistakes:
1. Manipulated others for his own benefits.
2. Unwillingness to admit wrongdoing.
3. Benefited financially by using Jacob but never fully benefited spiritually by knowing and worshiping Jacob's God.

Lesson: the government and Trump needs to learn that those who set out to lose people will eventually find themselves used. Finally, God's plan cannot be blocked. Look at Obama Care. Did it go anywhere?


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