I Just Don't Understand
Help Me To Understand
It's time to catch a mouse by the tail. It's time to catch the mouse and kill it.
Prison or jail is supposed to be a place where you basically get your mind right. Not continue criminal behavior or irresponsibilities. The atmosphere in prison was rehabilitation. This is not a time to act like you're on the street swindling out. That was 1998, up until 2006. Some time after that, the inmates began to come to prison living like they are at Hotel 6. They're getting high off other people's pills. Mixing coffee, Kool-Aid, and mental health pills or any type of pills that they know will get them high. Some of the inmates stay high but, when they drug test, they don't show up positive for marijuana, crack, or meth.
There needs to be a drug test where the inmate can be tested to see what other drugs are in their system that they're not supposed to be taking. Girlfriends get to live together and have sex anytime they want to. It's a lot of confusion going on with that.
Prison has become a relaxed place for even the short-time offenders. Majority of the inmates don't get out of their beds till 8 AM, count time. A lot of them don't report out to their details. A lot of the inmates are lazy. They have too many young people who are dorm orderlies. They do not clean. Unless the officer makes them. I feel—
All the young people. Some of the older ones who feel they can pay somebody to do their detail should be put in a kitchen or the hardest detail in the prison. If they refuse, then lock down. When I say older ones, some of them are 50 years old. Bodily able but lazy. The people who don't work in the dorm. All they do is play cards all day, sitting around playing against the staff and other inmates. The inmates who are like this come to prison to be comfortable. When they was on the streets, majority of them woke early in the morning looking for drugs to use or sell, out somewhere prostituting or robbing, etc. They was thinking about work or it's too early to get up. They was out there.
I tell them that. They get offended and will run to the cert team on staff on you because they feel they should be able to do what they want, no matter how it affects their bunkmates, the next inmate, or staff.
So the era of the prison today, a lot of inmates think they are at Hotel 6 and Days Inn. Bump who they step on to get what they want. Georgia Female Institution.
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Jennifer Johnson
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