William Goehler, #K77837
POW 409020, A2-233
Ione, CA 95640
Lesson 4
Q25 What does a game consist of?
A25 Freedoms, Barriers and Purposes. All games are continuing, since an unstarted game isn't a game and a finished game isn't a game. Ergo, in the apparent cycle of action, Life is a game: any state of beingness wherein exists awareness, problems, havingness and freedom (separateness) each in some degree.
Q26 Using a game you are familiar with, work out and describe how each of the elements of a game apply to it.
A26 In prison, where the idleness torments consciousness, the human mind - low on the Tone Scale - imagines all sorts of PROBLEMS to "solve". It imagines opponents (PURPOSE + BARRIERS) through the lens of Grief, Fear, Covert/Overt Hostility, or Antagonism - as an Agonist. Understanding these components of this game permits the FREEDOM, granting Seniority via PanDeterminism. The roller-coaster phenom in this instance is an indicator of MU's, related to contests of overwhelmings.
Q27 What is meant by LIFE IS A GAME?
A27 Fixed on too many barriers, Man yearns to be free. But launched into total freedom, he is purposeless and miserable. There is "freedom amongst" barriers. If barriers are known and the freedoms are known, there can be life, happiness, a game. An examination of the eight dynamics in life demonstrates the possibility of a combination of teams. For instance, my favorite: Theta v. Mest v. Theta, toward existence as Infinity - The Supreme Being...: Mest - or - Me - or: Mest'd up Me?? :) This is the only CONTEST in overwhelmings I've ever been INTERESTED in!
Q28 Describe Pan-determinism and Self-determinism and how they relate to playing a game.
A28 Happiness is: the overcoming of not unknowable obstacles toward a known goal. One of the obstacles relates to Interest. If there's no Interest, there's no game! The reason for existence is the same reason as one has to play a game: Interest, contest, Disinterest - To enjoy life, one must be willing TO BE some part of life. Determining the anticipated activities of two or more sides in a game simultaneously demonstrates PAN DETERMINISM: full responsibility for both sides of a game. Vis-a-vis: full responsibility for self, no responsibility for other side of game - the individual can only determine something from his own viewpoint. One is self-determined, then, in any situation in which he is fighting. He is pan-determined in any situation which he is controlling.
Q29 What is meant by POWER OF CHOICE?
A29 INTEREST: attention with an intention to give or attract attention.
Q30 Describe a time where you exercised THE POWER OF CHOICE. How did this affect your participation in a game?
A30 Despite the amount of suffering, pain, misery, sorrow and travail which can exist in my Theta v. Mest v. Theta games, I get a validating thrill on the roller-coaster rides my Teachers provide. In the Actual Cycle of Action, my agonistic effort TO BE CAUSE of my own - but especially another's - Conditions of Existence, is a Promethean Purpose which I relish - with a shout: I've upped my standard: UP YOURS! Contests in overwhelmings is the very essence of LIFE.
W/C (25) FREEDOM, 1. ability to create and position MEST, 4. the component parts of freedom are: affinity, reality, communication, which summate to understanding. Once understanding is attained, freedom is obtained.
" " " BARRIERS, something which an individual cannot communicate beyond which impedes knowingness.
" " " PURPOSE, The survival route chosen by an individual, a species, or a unit of matter or energy in the accomplishment of its goal.
W/C (26) ROLLER COASTER, a case that betters and worsens... always connected to a suppressive person.
" " " MU: Mis Understood.
W/C (27) OVERWHELMING, 1. as a person begins to be unwilling to overwhelm, he, of course, begins to be unwilling to win and so loses pan-determinism and sinks into self-determinism. The primary overwhelming is to take space. 3. to push in too tight.
W/C (28) FULL RESPONSIBILITY, the willingness to mock or unmock barriers at will.
" " " No RESPONSIBILITY, 1. unwillingness to make a decision or unwillingness to make a condition of being is the highest essence of no responsibility. 2. the inability to handle force.
W/C 30 LIFE, 1. (understanding): affinity, reality, communication. To understand all would be to live at the highest level of potential action and ability. Because life is understanding it attempts to understand. When it faces the incomprehensible it feels balked and baffled. 2. a fundamental axiom is that life is formed by theta compounding with mest to make a living organism. Life is theta plus mest. 4. a Thought or mind or beingness that conceives there are forms, masses, spaces, and difficulties. 5. that which is posing and solving problems. 6. Life is a game consisting of freedom, barriers and purposes.
Tone Description
40.0 Enormous understanding
20.0 You simply know what the other person is talking about. In other words, terrifically high comprehension.
4.0 Understanding has become at least fixed in syllables and signs and only a small amount is being transmitted on a spontaneous basis.
2.0 Understanding has almost vanished unless it is 2.0 understanding, which is "Somebody ought to do something! You...!" High antagonism. We have an "antagonistic situation understandable". No other situation understandable.
1.5 The only thing that a 1.5 understands is that he is mad. He is sore at something about something and he is going to destroy something - and these things he can understand.
0.5 Grief. You say to this person who is in grief, "What a beautiful sunny day, how nice it all is out here. Look at the lil kidz playing." And they would say, "Don't it make you think of coffins?"
As we go downscale, we are watching the reduction of Knowingness into understanding and the reduction of understanding into incomprehension, which is where you get when you get below zero (MEST). cf. (amended) A18
Knowingness about life and its ability
Knowingness about forms of life
Understanding amongst and between these particular life forms
Misunderstanding among these particular life forms
Hence: Life is a game wherein theta as the static solves the problem of theta as mest. (Scn. Axiom #48)
Every being has an infinite ability to survive. How well he accomplishes this is dependent on how well he uses ethics on his dynamics. Ethics tech exists for the individual. It exists to give the individual a way to increase his survival and thus free himself from the dwindling spiral of the current culture.
Q31 How does the ability to make a postulate relate to the four guiding elements of life?
A31 The Power of Choice over participation will produce corresponding postulates of purpose - barriers and freedoms. The Power of Choice (Will) is paramount regarding the Create-Uncreate postulates of purpose in the game(s) of life.
Q32 Give an example showing how someone's postulate would directly affect the outcome of a game.
A32 The "Only One" phenomena, is a good example. The individual will most certainly be overwhelmed by his selfish-determinism. At the other end of the spectrum is the OT - willing and knowing cause over life - and mest. I THINK THEREFORE I AM.
William Goehler, #K77832
POW 409020, A2-233
Ione, Califelony 95640
Lesson 5
Q33 Define THETAN.
A33 That thing (having no mass - no location in space) which is the person. The awareness of awareness unit which has all potentialities. The being who is the individual and who handles and lives in the body, i.e. (spirit) described in Scn. as having no mass, no wave-length, no energy and no time or location in space except by consideration or postulate. The spirit is not a thing. It is the Creator of things. cf. THETA
Q34 Give an example showing how a thetan is not a thing but is the Creator of things.
A34 In accord with A.R.C., Postulated Reality is brought into being, by creative or destructive imagination (and/or Awareness). One of the purposes of theta is postulated as the conquest, change and ordering of mest. e.g. And God said: Let there be. (Thought is Boss).
Q35 Describe the three main divisions of the mind.
A35 The ANALYTICAL MIND - combines perceptions of the past and estimations of the future into conclusions which are based upon the realities of situations. The Keynote of the analytical mind is awareness.
The REACTIVE MIND - is a stimulus-response mechanism, which is not under one's volitional control, and which exerts force and the power of command over one's awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. Stored in the reactive mind are engrams, and here we find the single source of aberrations and psychosomatic ills.
The SOMATIC MIND - that mind which, directed by the analytical or reactive mind, places solutions into effect on the physical level. This is an even heavier type of mind than the reactive mind since it contains no thinkingness and contains only actingness.
Q36 How does the thetan use the mind?
A36 The thetan receives, by the communication system called the mind, various impressions including direct views of the physical world. The MIND is a communication and control system between the thetan and his environment.
Q37 Describe anchor points and the electrical field that surrounds the body.
A37 ANCHOR POINTS: points which are anchored in a space different to the physical universe space around the body - aka: sub-brains of the body, control centers, epicenters. Interactions of mental energy against physical energy, produce a corresponding 'force' field. The electrical field is paramount and monitors the actual structure of the body. Thus, the body is not only influenced by the three minds, it is also influenced by its own electrical field. The balance structure of the body, and even its joint action and physical characteristics, can be changed by changing the electrical field which exists at a distance from or within the body.
Q38 Describe the relationship between the thetan and the body.
A38 The body is the thetan's communication center; an identifying form or non-identifiable form to facilitate the control of, the communication of and with, and the havingness for the thetan in his existence in the mest universe. Each of the three parts of man influence each other markedly and continually. But of the three, the senior entity is the thetan. For without the thetan, there would be no mind or animation in the body. While without a body or a mind, there is still animation and life (ARC) in the thetan. The thetan is the person. You are You IN a body.
Q39 What is the anatomy of CONTROL?
Q40 Give a real-life example showing each of the parts of control.
A40 Life (ARC = Understanding) postulates a purpose: TO BE CAUSE of effect. Theta impinges into mest with intention. This is the START - of CHANGE. Corresponding enMest enturbulates theta, which then STOPs Theta impingements. You are stating a greater truth when you say that control is predictable change than if you say control is start, change and stop because start and stop are, of course, necessary to change. The cycle of action is a consideration - which can be changed.
Note: KRC: It is difficult to be responsible for something or control something unless you have Knowledge of it. It is folly to try to control something or even know something without Responsibility. It is hard to fully know something or be responsible for something over which you have no Control, otherwise the result can be an overwhelm.
W/C (33) POSTULATE, a self-created truth would be simply the consideration. A postulate is, of course, that thing which is a directed desire or order, or inhibition, or enforcement, on the part of the individual in the form of an idea. That self-determined thought which starts, stops or changes past, present or future efforts.
" " " CONSIDERATION, is a continuing postulate, the highest capability of life.
W/C (36) MIND, a communication and control system between the thetan and his environment. A network of communications and pictures, energies and masses, which are brought into being by the activities of the thetan versus the physical universe or other thetans. The purpose of the mind is to pose and resolve problems relating to survival and to direct the effort of the organism according to these solutions. The human mind is an observer, postulator, creator and storage place of Knowledge.
W/C (37) CONTROL CENTER, the contact point between theta and the physical universe and is that center which is aware of being aware and which has charge of and responsibility for the organism. Every mind as the "awareness of awareness unit", is cause. It directs, through emotional relay systems, the actions of the body and the environment.
Eureka! (Co-incidence indicates Affinity.)
Struggling to understand the "electrical field" phenomena, I'd delved into Scientology 8-80, chapter 17: The Manifestation of Energy, where the equation: Life = El. (-f) presents as E = Energy Potential, l = Energy Flow - R, R = Negative Resistance, -f = Negative Frequency.
Ergo - the theory of the "counter-elasticity of flow" is easily observed. Some call it Karma, in that which Thought Projects, Reflects back to Source.
It is curious why this chapter did not reveal the word PHOTON, which is announcing itself to me - finally! Where accordingly, I see (p. 99 Scn. 8-80) [symbol] via Willpower = [symbol].
And why is ILLUMINATION the word right above the word ILLUSION, in Merriam's Web?
I wonder what will happen if (when) I pull THIS string?
What happens when I FULLY understand this "subtlest essence"?
R&D Logic #5 437
Aura [fr. L. puff of air, breeze] 1a: a subtle sensory stimulus (as an aroma) b: a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source 2. a luminous radiation 4. an energy field that is held to emanate from a living being.
cf. Aurora 3. a luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers or arches of light appearing in the upper atmosphere of a planet's magnetic polar regions and is caused by the emissions of light from the atoms excited by the electrons accelerated along the planet's magnetic field lines.
* Aura, a subtle invisible essence or fluid that emanates from human and animals' bodies and even things. It is the psychic effluvium, partaking of both the mind and the body, as it is the electro-vital, and at the same time an electro-mental aura: called in Theosophy the akasic or magnetic aura.
Akasa, The subtle, supersensuous spiritual essence which pervades all space. It is, in fact, the Universal Space in which lies inherent the eternal Ideation of the Universe in its ever-changing aspects on the planes of matter and objectivity, and from which radiates the First Logos, or expressed thought.
(The Akasa is the indispensable agent of every magical performance - religious or profane. The expression "to stir up the Brahma", means to stir up the power which lies latent at the bottom of every magical operation. The power of Akasa - occult electricity, the same anima mundi on the higher plane as the astral light on the lower.)
Anima Mundi, The SuperNatural essence which permeates, animates and informs all, from the smallest atom of matter to man and god. The essence of seven planes of sentience, consciousness and differentiation, moral and physical. In its highest aspect it is Nirvana, in its lowest Astral Light. When it is said that every human soul was born by detaching itself from the Anima Mundi, it means, esoterically, that our higher Egos are of an essence identical with It, which is a radiation of the Universal Absolute. Alas:
cf Religion [fr. L. religio - supernatural constraint - to restrain]
Astral Light (Occult). The invisible region that surrounds our globe, as it does every other, and corresponding as the second Principle of Kosmos (the third being Life, of which it is the vehicle) to the Astral Double in man. A subtle Essence visible only to a clairvoyant eye, and the lowest but one (viz., the earth) of the seven Akasic or Kosmic Principles. Eliphas Levi calls it the great Serpent and the Dragon from which radiates on Humanity every evil influence. This is so, but why not add that the Astral Light gives out nothing but which it has received (via Noosphere influence); that it is the great terrestrial crucible, in which the vile emanations of the earth (moral and physical) upon which the Astral Light is fed, are all converted into their subtlest essence, and radiated back intensified, thus becoming epidemics - moral, psychic and physical.
Ergo, the aura of a man is called the "magical mirror of the Universe"; and, so far as anyone can tell, nothing exists outside of this mirror.
Universus sum et Nibil universi a me alienum puto. [Lat. "I am the universe and I think nothing in the universe foreign to me"]
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