Date: 8/1/2019 12:40:14 PM
This last week of July 2019 on Florida's death row, there has been some changes, due to a petition that I filed several months ago, trying to get us three hour recs. We've only been getting two reaction periods a week, since I've been here. The "rule" requires them to give us a minimum of six hours of rec per week. And as you know, their only going to reach for the bare minimum!
Well before this week, we were suppose to be getting two three hour recs a week, which would have met this bare minimum. Unfortunately we very rarely got the full three hours. We would lose any where from 10 to 15 minutes and sometimes more. So now they've broke it down to three two hour rec periods. But once again, we're not getting our full time. And there's a lot of complaints. Now if they can do three two hour recs, then they can do three three hour recs. Extend the minimum. Which would also do away with yard make ups. So if an inmate misses a yard, due to a call out, it wouldn't matter, because the staff would have fulfilled the minimum requirements under 33-601.830(7) (j).
A lot of guys come up and complained to me, and asked me to write about this. Which is why I'm here. We need your help to bring this to the attention of the Secretary and higher ups. And the recreation periods "time", needs to begin when that last inmate is placed on the yard, not when the first inmate is pulled from his cell. Which is what their currently doing, to short us of our recreation time. Yes I've ruffled some feathers, was actually threatened with a disciplinary report (DR) where they stated if your on that kiosk when we call y'all, to come in, then your getting a DR, I was unable to use the kiosk both Tuesday and Wednesday, because they put too many guys on the yard, 42 of us Wednesday. Do the math, at 15 minutes an inmate, two kiosk, 16 men can use it. And if your tablets plugged into that kiosk, and you unplug it before it finishes applying the package, then you just messed your tablet up.
And they had a whole other yard available. They choose to pack us on that yard to where everyone would not be afforded an opportunity to get on the kiosk. They enjoy implementing chaos and confusion into our already difficult lives. They like to turn us against one another, and this is their means of doing so. They know guy's are going out there to get on these kiosk, and instead of using an available empty yard, that has two working kiosk, they pack us all into one small enclosure, that use to have a "maximum" of 28 inmates!
And staff shortage , they can't claim. They had four Sgts. that I seen, a half dozen administration officer's. No! They had enough staff to have all four rec yards operating at one time. Which is actually what their suppose to be doing. One Sgt and three officers, is suppose to be assigned to the south end, to rec yards 1 and 2, and is responsible for the recreational activities of the inmates housed on wings 1, 2 and 3. The other Sgt and three officers, is suppose to be assigned down here on the north end, to yards 3 and 4. And are responsible for the recreational activities of the inmates housed on wings 4, 5 and 6. This was designed implemented and effective for almost two decades. Staff began slacking and getting lazier as years went by, implementing this current system, where only one, no more than two yards are operating at any given time. And the inmates are being packed on those yards like sardines in a tin can! Its unnecessary and absolutely uncalled for! Its security creating the hostility between the inmates. And for what, amusement entertainment? Convenience over care custody and control?! All I know for sure, is we need some changes, and I need your help in bringing about these changes. If you could please contact Secretary Mark Inch at the Florida Department of Corrections, and express your concerns over us not getting our minimum out door rec, and request that we be given three two hours period I'd be grateful for your help. For this is a serious issue, that involves or mental and physical wellbeing. Thank you.
Respectfully submitted Ronald W. Clark Jr. 812974
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