Date: 8/4/2019 3:59:52 PM
Dear House Rep Anna V. Eskamiani. Aug, 4, 2019
The contents of this email is dealing with sleep deprivation, and abuse of power. Here in the Florida Department of Corrections, every night between 9:30 and 10:00 PM they conduct a master count. Where you've got to get out of bed, (use to sit) now you've got to stand up "per Colonel Lindsey's new order" as of Saturday, August 3, 2019, and state your name and DC number. This late night master count deprives us inmates from getting eight hours of sleep. Which is a physical and mental necessity! An if your on the am kitchen shift, or any early morning work assignment, then yor get even less sleep, for you have to get out of bed at 2:00 am. So if you have to stay up for master count, then your surviving on a very unhealthy four hours of sleep or less per night!
Years ago master count was conducted at 8:00 pm. Slowly but surely someone in the front office pushed it back little by little, to where we are currently at. I've heard a lot of guys complain about not getting enough sleep here at Union Correctional Institution. And now our Colonel here, is making everyone stand at attention. Its not enough to deprive us of sleep, no he gets a power kick out of causing chaos in our already difficult lives. This is just another one of his ploys to put inmates on disciplinary confinement. Something he takes great pride in.Yes the over use of disciplinary confinement, in violation of 33- Florida Administrative Codes (FAC).
I'm coming to you, to plead for your assistance in changing this late night master count, and bringing attention to the fact that its causing sleep deprivation. As well as our Colonel's, arbitrary implementation of putting his own twist and turns on this, to make our already difficult lives more difficult. This is unnecessary and has no penological justification. For giving your number sitting or standing, brings the same result. A live body, that has acknowledged you, with a name and DC number. No its this type dehumanizing over reach that divides staff and inmates with hostile resentment. Its this type of madness, that we don't need in the FDOC.
33- FAC, is in alignment with staff respecting inmates and treating us as human beings, something this Col is in total disagreement with. And if there is any doubt, come interview the inmates. That's where you'll get the honest answer. We need your help, and I'm especially going to need your help, because he (Col Lindsey) will no doubt target me, for what I've just written.
He diid it last year, so its not beyond him to retaliate.We need staff who knows how to talk to inmates, not talk down at them. Colonel Lindsey, last summer after I posted his memorandum that he wrote and signed off on ,over on the internet, stated to me, "How would you like it if I went back there to your cell, took your photos and placed them on the internet?" My thought was ,"What does a photo have to do with a memorandum that you wrote, and should be willing to stand behind?" And if he denies it, I'll take a polygraph test for you to substantiate what I'm saying is the gods honest truth. This Administration was mad at me for trying to correct unsanitary conditions here in UCI P- Dorm, where we've got raw sewage bio hazardous body waste running over into our floors from the upstairs toilets, and dealing with temperatures in the 90's and even 100 degrees. Not counting the issues with mold in the showers and ventilation. But once again I'm putting myself at great risk of acts of reprisal as a result of telling you about all this. Please help we need some changes here. I'm available if you need to ask any questions, and again I'll gladly substantiate what I'm saying with a polygraph.
Thank you very much for your time and I pray for your help.
Respectful Submitted Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974
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