Date: 8/14/2019 7:37:13 AM
Dear Mr. John Palmer Assistant Regional Director. 8/14/19
You told me, that you informed your secretary, that if she gets a letter from me, that she's to inform
you. Well last summer I wrote you a letter, and it never even made it out of here. So I'm sending you an
The administration here, is not receptive to speaking with an inmate. So I'm making a last ditch effort
to contact you. We've always been able to talk.
This administration seems to enjoy poking and prodding the inmates under their care. And the Warden
here has belittled my friend in an email, when she filed a complaint about them violating the photo
procedures 33- and Florida statute 847.001(9). All you've got to do is review the photos that have been
rejected on my tablet over the past six months to see someone here is arbitrarily rejecting photos based
on their belief ect, and not within the rules and governing laws for which they are to follow. When my
friend here wrote a complaint to Tallahassee, they forwarded it to Warden Anderson, who told her that
she shouldn't be sending inappropriate photographs to an inmate. But what's truly inappropriate is for
him to judge her and belittle her, when she was in compliance with Florida statute, and 33- Florida
Administrative Codes.
I just got four more rejections this morning. Please view them, and you'll see the photos are inside the
guidelines of the rules, and law. This arbitrary rejection and violation of the rules is getting very
expensive these e-stamps are not cheap. Some of the photos have made it on to my tablet, proof of
compliance, only to be removed later by this administration. I filed a grievances on this on Thursday
July 18, 2019. For which they will not respond to. Which in and of itself is a violation of the rules and
Federal law under 42USC (double s symbol)1997 (e) by rendering our grievance system ineffective.
And there's a few other rules that this administration is violating that I'd like to discuss. Wherefore I'm
hoping you will talk to these people.
I'm not sure if you've seem some of the stuff that I've written lately, but I've touched on some serious
issues, I'm expecting retaliation from this Admin. I'm willing to sit and talk to you, but within this
administration there's no one to talk to. They want to do the Boo game and try to scare me, and as your
aware that doesn't work with me. You and I have spoken in the past and had productive conversations.
I'd very much like to sit and talk about several issues that need to be dealt with concerning our
conditions and this administration application of the rules.
I thank you for your time and hopefully your help.
Sincerely Ronald W. Clark Jr. 812974
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