Aug. 26, 2019

Dear Senator Bracy

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Date: 8/14/2019 8:48:46 AM

Dear Senator Bracy,

At approximately 7:45 am this morning August 14, 2019 our administrative Sgt, Sgt Blue came to my cell front, and stated "You've written Senator Bracy about your toilet overflowing with sewage on August 3, well I was here and your toilet did not overflow." I said "No my toilet overflowed on Thursday, December 20, 2018 at approximately 4:00 am. On June 14, 2019 cell P6107 housing Eddie Covington overflowed and it did it several other times over the next month and a half. There is or should be a paper trail verifying this. In the past month cell P6105 housing Franklin Floyd has overflowed, this is the most recent one that I was addressing. That should still be on the video from down here. So if you can please request the video from August 3, 2019. Also request any work orders for cell P4127, 4118, 6105, and 6107 and incident reports on these cells. You will be able to easily verify this. Staff is going to lie and try to cover this up, as that captain in the Lake CI. assault did last month.

You're going to have to dig to find the truth. If you need to speak with me, I'm available and at your service.

And if you look at the work order, cell P6107 hasn't had a working cell light in over a month! We've had weekly cell inspections, and numerous work orders have been turned in to no avail. So this inmate has been sitting in a dark cell for over a month, and there's a paper trail to substantiate this. I thank you very much for your time and hopefully your help. And from what I attained, this administration is looking for a way to silence me from exposing these serious conditions back here. So there's a good possibility of retaliation.

Respectfully Submitted Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974


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