Date: 8/19/2019 4:42:18 AM
To Senators Aaron Bean, Randolph Bracy, Bobby Powell Jr., Lori Berman, Annette Taddeo, House Representatives Carlos Guillermo Smith, Dianne Hart, Anna Eskamani, Kimberley Daniels, Loranne Ausley, Cindy Polo, Shevrin D. Jones, Adam Hattersley.
From Ronald W. Clark Jr #812974
Date August 19, 2019
Subject Prison watch dog
The State of Florida has two bureaus in place that are to be the Florida Department of correction (FDOC) watch dogs, that have been put in place to ensure that the inmates and staff are protected, and that constitutional standards are upheld inside these prisons. One of the watch dogs is the American Correctional Association known as the ACA. The other watch dog can be found under Florida Statute § 944.31. Inspector General Inspectors powers and duties.
You Legislatures did a marvelous job when you constructed this. It is beautifully written! Unfortunately, all it is is a bunch of hollow words. For both of these watch dogs have been in place for decades!! And as you know, the FDOC has been abusing torturing and even murdering inmates under their care custody and control for years! Violating constitutional rights, and human standards!! Where have these watch dogs been? Sleeping in the laps of their new masters, the prison administrators, that's where they've been and where they will remain until you take action and bring this to an end! The ACA, all they care about is collecting their ACA accreditation fees, for the fraudulent announced inspections they do. Yes hundreds of thousands of tax dollars are sucked up in these fraudulent accreditations. And you can't argue it. Look at what you Senators and Representatives are finding during these surprise prison walk throughs/visits. It's unequivocal evidence that the ACA is a fraud, that's stealing from the government and putting up a façade that constitutional standards are being met. And y'all are proving that is the case.
These ACA fees could be better used to give our correctional officers better pay. Or go towards rehabilitating and educating inmates. Google the ACA, and you'll find all kinds of articles showing the ACA has lowered standards for prison administrators. They are not what they once were.
Now for the Inspector General (IG) office, well one of their main problems, besides not doing their job and complying with Florida law F.S.§944.31, is the cronyism that's taking place in the good ol' boy south. If you go do some research you'll find out that the correctional staff has infiltrated the IG's office. So you've got the police, policing themselves. And if you want evidence. I was assaulted by correctional officers "Twice" in May of 2012, because of my writings. Well the institutional Inspector, was an Inspector Hall, who I was surprised to see. Why you ask? Cause he had just worked for this same administration in our property room, as Sgt Hall, and was promoted to Lt. Hall just a few months earlier. So here he was investigating his friends and colleagues who assaulted me. And his wife Nurse Hall was the one working in the building when I got assaulted. And if you would like I'll take a polygraph test for you. All I'm trying to do is make the FDOC a better place. So you've got correctional officers infiltrating the IG's office. And it goes all the way to the top. Research who some of the head IGs are, and you'll find that they've been former Wardens. So you've got cronyism going all the way to the top!! You would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see the cronyism in there. Oh Inspector Hall he covered up my assault and protected his friends, just like he was put in place to do. He never interviewed the inmates on the wing who heard staff beating on me, and they only stopped assaulting me after the L.T. supervising the assault said "Okay that's enough!" Welcome to the Florida Department of CORRUPTION!"
Yes we've got two very useless incompetent watch dogs, that are better suited as the administrations lap dogs. Cause that's truly what they are, and they can't even begin to make an argument against it. Both of these bureaus aren't worth the paper they're written on. And it's time for the House and Senate to take notice, and terminate the ACA contracts and implement a new way of appointing the IG and hiring institutional inspectors, keeping them outside the influence of these FDOC administrators.
I'm currently dealing with retaliation for writing this and other material. For on Sunday August 18, shortly after sending out one of these controversial essays trying to open the public's eyes, my emails went out. This same thing happened on April 20, 2019, two days after sending out a controversial essay.
I don't believe in coincidence. This is retaliatory! They do not like me exposing them, and these unsanitary biohazardous conditions back here. Where raw sewage is overflowing into cells, and buildings are contaminated with mold and mildew.
I'm at your assistance if you need me to answer any questions. For our goals are mutual, improving the FDOC. Thank you for your time.
SIncerely Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974
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