Sunday, August 18, 2019
Reply ID: 73up
Hey there, thanks for responding! You responded back on 7-6-19 but, as you know, it took a minute for me to receive it. My letter is postmarked 8-5 but, who knows how long it was here by I got it? I'm just glad that I did get it. First of all, thanks for doing the transcription work for me. It's very most appreciated, and 2nd, thanks for the heads-up about my using my medical paperwork as scratch-paper. But I will say, in my defense, that very fortunately for me, it's all benign & or innocuous. I'm in great health & high hopes for a greater 2nd 1/2 of life than the 1st.
It's good to hear from you also because I can't go online myself & see the blog. If no one responds, I'm not always sure what I wrote made it to you. I'm glad it's of interest to you. I just couldn't bring myself to respond to the 5 or 6 shootings since I wrote last. I felt that what I said was revealing itself to be true. And I'm reluctant to harp on the point that I've already made, and I don't consider myself to be particularly knowledgable, just alarmed!
Now it's August 21, 2019 - it's been hard to find the time to write. Life is hectic even here in the belly-of-the-beast. But I'm also grateful to be so busy all the time. I'm somewhat reticent about putting all of my perspective out there. This place has a notorious reputation for being foul. And there are a host of haters of every stripe willing to do the dirty work for their evil masters. Fri Aug 23, 2019 - wow! I still couldn't take the time to write this response and blog. But tonight I'm staying in & getting down to it. Normally, I'd be out @ an anger management meeting tonight but I needed a break. I go to my vocational computer training course every weekday morning 8:30-11:30 AM. Monday night - Lifer's group, Tuesday night G.D.G.I (pronounced Go'-gee) it means "getting out by going in". It's training for dealing with daily stressful events appropriately: non-violently, etc. Then Wednesday night - Narcotics Anon. Thursday night - Alcoholics Anon. And Fridays - Anger Management. Tuesday Afternoon @ 2:30 PM I have a meeting about how to achieve earning a parole date. Wednesday & Thursday afternoon - guitar class. I have homework to do & backed-up reading I strive to get in.
Again, I'm grateful to have these opportunities to actually learn. For years & years, there were no programs like this. We get credit for going & participating in these groups. And those credits take time off & get us to a parole hearing center quicker. But, back to the point here, I needed a night.
I'm genuinely the kind of person that seeks to unify the disparate groups of people. I'm relentlessly dedicated to getting good ideas out there. I'm born on the same day as Nelson Mandela, and I believe I'm a lot like him. Only, he got out after 27 years & I'm still here - @ the end of my 24th looking back, I can recall having friends of all stripes & colors. I would be the one who brought together people that would normally have passed each other by. Some of them became good friends with each other. I bring this up in order to show that I'm trying to look @ the big picture with an end to ameliorating our racial strife. I think white separatists, supremacists, etc, could be given a couple of states. We've got 50 of them, and, of course, black folks who just want to live around black folks would get a couple of states as well. Obviously, the Native, 1st Nations people get states also. Americans of Mexican heritage have also earned theirs. That is 1 possible way to address it. This is not something I want. But I believe we need to consider some extreme solutions because it appears that these people are collectively fomenting strife, tension & fear with an end in mind: race/civil-war
I've written about "The Turner Diaries", a book by William Pierce, I believe, it's a novel: Blueprint. I mean, it's fictitious, but it is a plan to those who are of that mindset. I hope the plan is never implemented. I don't believe that enough folks understand the reality of the situation. They pass laws that outlaw guns in the hands of the public. And officers of high rank in the military forces began killing & capturing non-white members of the military. It's been a while since I read it. But the gist of it is: The United Forces of White Supremacy begin a purging & rounding up of all non-whites, i.e, blacks, browns, & yellows & reds with a particular vengeance against "Jews", who are hung from streetlights. There's nationwide terror, strife & conflagration. I'm gonna read it again myself.
Many more shootings since I began this response blog. I apologize for allowing it to take so long. I just want to get myself into a position of help & service, somehow. I've got some ideas. For now I'm closing with the admonition to everyone to stand-up for freedom, justice, respect & unity among all good people. Love your brother & sister regardless of "race" (an artificial construct anyway). And be the best expression of you - always. If they talk about you it's a sign that you are making a difference.
My cousin Jamie died last week. She had a massive heart attack @ 51 years old. We found out that she hadn't taken her medication to prevent blood clots for three weeks - because she couldn't afford it. Two of my family members had some of that medication that they could've shared with Jamie. But she was too embarrassed to ask about it. She was my younger, extremely lovable little cousin, and she will be missed tremendously.
Love & help to all of the survivors of Dorian - the great storm.
Take good, good, good care.
Peace after revolution
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