Date: 11/3/2019 11:29:27 AM
Dear Mr Inch Secretary FDOC November 4,2019
I'm writing you concerning a HIPAA violation that was created by staff here at Union Correctional Institution, where they placed my medical procedure in DR #213-191416. They also violated 33-208.002, Rules of Conduct section (12) No employee shall falsify reports or records, and section (19)No employee shall knowingly submit inaccurate or untruthful information for or on any Department of Corrections record, report or document. This DR #213-191416 states that it was written by Sgt Wood, when it was a member of the ICT here, that wrote the DR. So this HIPAA violation was done by a member of the ICT, who also stated the DR was written by Sgt Wood in violation of section (12) and (19). If you read the DR, there's no evidence to support any violation of any rule or laws by me. Nothing came into or out of my cell. Anyone can write a note, attach it to something and set up anyone back here with this same technique. This administration is reprising against me, for standing up to them, and exposing the unsanitary conditions, and the unprofessional conduct that's taking place by staff. These DR'S become public record, and Sgt Wood, sits in on our medical. Classification either got this information from him, or out of my email file to my girlfriend. Either way, it should not have been placed in a document for which will become public record. All that had to be said, "Is inmate Clark is currently walking with the assistance of a walker." No other medical history needed to be divulged in this retaliatory DR. Please find attached my sworn affidavit in support of these allegations.
Thank you for your time and help.
Sincerely Ronald Wayne Clark Jr. #812974
CC. Senator Randolph Bracy. Senator Gary Farmer, Representative Kionne McGhee, Representative Anna Eskamani, Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith, Representative Susan Valdes. Chief Inspector General's office, Office of the Governor, Inspector Heather Robinson. The Office for Civil Rights of the US Dept of Health and Human Services
Continuation of Affidavit. Page 2 of 2
I was told this DR was written in a manner by classification to make it stick. It was classification, who in steady of writing a DR for a 9-4 Bartering with others, which would be valid and technical violation for the allegations in DR #213-191416, wrote it as attempted conspiracy. so it would carry more days. And the only reason to overreach in this manner, at this time, is they know my girlfriend, Claudine Verplanken has a visit scheduled for November 24. And their trying to sabotage it, because she's been fighting with me against this administration, trying to better the sanitation conditions back here, where we've got toilets that overflow, which results in feces, urine, blood and other body waste from men upstairs, running into our toilets, and out on to the floor getting on property. My August 12, 2019 letter to you, please see attached, "is all facts". And I duly declare under penalty of perjury that they are facts, and again I will gladly verify it though a polygraph exam.
What is clear and unequivocal, is this DR is an overreach of a minor rule violation. I'll gladly take a polygraph exam to end this investigation, showing no major rule violation was behind this, and there was no state or Federal laws violated here. This you have to admit has the appearance of an act of reprisal by an administration that has flat out lied about the August 12,2019 conditions letter. And has now falsified this DR #213-191416, where Sgt Wood is not the author of it, but rather a member of the ICT is. Which is unethical conduct outside the guidelines of 33-208.002. This DR, as stated above violates my medical history by placing a surgical procedure in a state document which is a part of public record. Now either Sgt Wood divulged this information to classification so they could write the DR, or they searched for the medical procedure and made the decision to violate HIPAA by placing it in a public records document.
And they've delayed the DR hearing, now postponing it until next Friday November 8. Further more they didn't comply with 33-601.305 (1) and conduct the investigation within the 24 hour time frame. The DR states it was written on Friday October 25,2019 at 12:15 PM. The DR investigator didn't begin the investigation until Tuesday October 29, 2019. Which shows this administration doesn't follow the rules. But falsifying that document having someone else write it, is beyond a rule violation. They've now violated the law.
I Ronald Wayne Clark Jr., duly declare under the penalty of perjury, that the forgoing statement is true and correct. And I will support all these facts with a polygraph exam. So there's no question about my honesty.
_Ronald Wayne Clark Jr_#812974
CC. Senator Randolph Bracy. Senator Gary Farmer, Representative Kionne McGhee, Representative Anna Eskamani, Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith, Representative Susan Valdes. Chief Inspector General's office, Office of the Governor, Inspector Heather Robinson. Secretary Mark Inch,
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