Impeachment Trial
Why is Mitch McConnell having a say-so in anything? His hands are not clean. If you would fact check him and his election, he is the same as Donald Trump. So, he is going to agree with Donald Trump till the fullest that Mr. Trump didn't do no wrong.
Mitch McConnell was running in an election. His opponent was in the lead. Mitch McConnell went and dug dirty on that man. Causes him to lose the election. He won. Mitchell McConnell made a campaign promise. One of the voters was trying to talk to him that he didn't keep his word. Mitch McConnell kept walking. All he cared about is winning that seat.
What kind of election and campaign did these Republicans run that they are now backing Donald J. Trump, saying that this man didn't do nothing wrong? It's clear he broke the law. How many personal favors been done by Donald J. Trump for those Republicans that's causing them to bend backwards? Because it is a lie about it's a hoax, a witch hunt, no due process. Or could it be a racism thing with the Republicans? Because I am seeing a room full of Caucasians behind Donald Trump on these news presses.
If it was Obama in this situation? If he was Republican, would those same Republicans back him? Nah, because he is African American.
This is clearly a racist, dirty political situation. Donald J. Trump deserves to be impeached right on up not the president seat. Enough is enough. Democrats, don't let the Republicans play you. You all are doing a good job.
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Jennifer Johnson
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