Feb 24 2020 ~~ My access is gcbd...
Dear Between the Bars...
I want this published and submitted or to my gcbd... its my blog the last was last year...
I want to let those who do see this blog... I'm also on Facebook pen-pal site... its on Soul Sister's "Unlocking Cell Doors"...
I am as well on cell pals too... you can go online to check that out I'm guessin but I am on another site its a Writer's Archive... its the American prison writing archive in Clinton, NY
Its a questionnaire that you can download. The snail mail address is
40 Hamilton College
198 College Hill Rd.
Clinton, NY 13323-1218
to my friend:
John Pfister, I see that you have had 4 asthma attacks... maybe drier air would substain the attacks?
I write inserts to by Btb to let those know how I am doin? I even got a lady in Australia... we written before but like I tell ones... sometimes life gets in the way... like myself... prison is like this for we... sure I was transferred but I can't complain...
I have been struggling too, don't think I have what I did when I was on death row... allot has lessen... $$ too... so to write I use "indigent mail"... I study the word & I have a new pen-pal she lives in Belgium... greet is her name mail is slow back & forth... I've so so got 3 cuer the poud as I cull it... I've got John, George... Liliane, Vicky... Jack, here in the USA but at one time I wrote to Molle... maybe more... who knows right... I am on another site called Mbb/LifeSupport but who knows right... its life that I know this isn't much but I do at the moment life in a cell by myself, I 1st got here on 4BHq I had 2 cellies... Both since moved here... I do know society reacts these blogs... I would like to hear from you who-ever it doesn't bother me why would it... I'm in general population I am a male, 60 yrs old, single... And yes I do love to play... So if whomever reads this write me... you can try B.t.B... I love old school trains... I got in a calendar last month from Liliane she lives in Nord, Switzerland she was the one from Soul Sister's even greet... I met... I'm not shy I'll tell you what I do everyday and night... like FR. John... I do have some $ left on my ecom if you like to send me some food, go online, a case of chicken soups corn chips... even black bag coffees and duplex cookies... it tells you how to order for a inmate??
Everyone who writes me can read this... write me either way by Btb, email, Jpay.com or snail mail take care everyone...
God Bless...
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