April 15, 2020


by Eric Wilkes (author's profile)


Date: 4/8/2020 12:28:21

*** HEY I'M BACK ***

I apologize for my neglect at keeping you, my readers, entertained for the last few months. However, a number of my readers have switch to the convenience of using my tablet, and I've also been busy following the advice of the few of you who have suggested I should write a book. To give you an idea of what my book will consist of, I'm going to include a few random chapters. Hopefully, you'll have enjoyed what you read and find it necessary to let me know. On the other hand, perhaps you'll have NOT enjoyed what you read and still find it necessary to let me know. Either way, I'm open for opinions and out of prison communication. One quick note here. There are a number of limitations regarding the precision of these prison tablets. So when it comes to footnotes (of which I use quite often) the best indicator I can come up with is: \1/ \2/ \3/ ... because my keyboard does not offer exponent numbers. You'll notice other little glitches as well. Just please try to understand.
Due to the magnitude of my preface, I believe it would be wise of me to allow only the future readers of my book the opportunity to appreciate the description of its full caliber. Hence, I'll go ahead to the next section -- Authors Notes.


Even though I have only taken the time to read about half a dozen prisoner biographies, I think it's safe to say that my portrayal of my experiences behind these bars will be quite different from that of any previous books you may have read. Be that as it may, it by no means implies that what you are about to read is not true.

As you continue, I want you to consider three very -- VERY -- important questions concerning the subject of a writer recounting his life in prison :

1). WHAT are the personality \1/ traits of the author ? ( Refer to preface. )
2). WHEN did the events take place ? ( "2000 " -- "2020 " )
3). WHERE is the author serving his sentence ? ( The state of Florida. )

Hopefully, those three aspects will help you to better understand, and accept, the differences you are about to view.

One last thing. My style of writing requires that I use the word "HOWEVER" on numerous occasions. However, \2/ you're just going to have to accept it. And yes, I am aware of the fact that using the word "HOWEVER" to begin a sentence has been ridiculed by grammarians for decades. However, 42% of the Usage Panelists say they do not follow the rule in their own writing

1. Personality: distinct qualities of a person, especially those distinguishing personal characteristics that make one socially appealing.
2. However: In spite of that. Nevertheless. Yet

Date: 4/9/2020 11:50:08 AM

(Remember, I'm still in the midst of putting this thing all together. )

I guess, when you think about it, the beginning of my prison life actually began in the county jail.
In fact, when prisoners are asked about how long they have been locked up, they automatically
include the amount of time they spent in jail before they received their sentence and were
transferred to prison. So I'm going to include some of the rememberable events of the one year I
spent in the county jail prior to my sentencing. My reasoning behind this action is not strictly for
the purpose of resulting in a book with more pages. Rather, I also wish to share with you some
of the important lessons I learned that would somewhat prepare me for my future life in the
prison system.

For those of you who are asking under your breath what the difference is between jail and
prison, I've included a footnote \1/ for the purpose of answering your question, and I seriously
doubt anyone would notice if you had to sneak a peek to find out. \2/ As you will soon discover,
there are footnotes included throughout this entire book. I highly recommend that you take the
time to read them, because there might actually be a couple that are important.


1. A note placed at the bottom of the page of a book or manuscript that
comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
(Just making sure)

2. Jail and Prison : Under normal circumstances, when criminals are arrested
they are taken to the jail in the county the crime was committed. Then,
at some time later, after they are sentenced by the judge, they are taken to a
prison within the state the crimes was committed to serve their time due.
Unless, the amount of time is less than one year.


Replies (1) Replies feed

christinecirullo Posted 4 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 4 years, 10 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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