Date: 4/27/2020 11:39:08 AM
By Ronald W. Clark Jr.
The Florida Department of Corrections seems to be bypassing legislative committees and legislative oversight to funding certain projects through the blood, sweat, and tears of the family members, who have a loved one in the state of Florida. And the proof is in these FDOC contracts. If we look at contract#C2885, we see the department getting bran new Dell desktop computers every six months. Smith body scanner, and other perks. All of which is paid for through jacked up prices for which the family members of those incarcerated have to pay. And these Jpay e-stamps is the smoking gun!! Other states are paying half the price we pay, Washington state pays $10.00 for 60 e-stamps, I've also been told that Michigan and Virginia are paying similar rates as those in Washington, and Jpay is undoubtedly making a nice profit in these other states, where their not price gouging family members. So the only other reason to be price gouging the family members here in Florida is to fund the FDOC, or put money in someone's pocket, got to keep former Secretary James Crosby Jr and those illegal kickbacks in mind, that sent the head of the FDOC to Federal prison, so it does and has happened. All I know for certain is when you look at the price disparity between these states, and the perks in the contract, you undoubtedly have an FDOC contract manager, who's not considering the loved ones who's already paying his or her salary through their tax dollars. Yet they feel the need to victimize and penalize those who have an incarcerated love one, where other states aren't doing this.
JPaay has actually violated the terms of the contract in other areas. For instance #C2885 page 36 (games are not to exceed the price of $7.99), yet they've been charging upwards of $12.99 for 8 in 1 solitary, and other games are listed at prices for which exceed the contact agreement. And remember, Florida inmates have to rely on family and friends for financial support. The FDOC does not pay those who are incarcerated. So our family and friends are being taken advantage of not just by the exorbitant prices of the Jpay e-stamps but the overcharging of these video games. Welcome to the wonderful world of the FDOC! What more can I say?!! Well, obviously I can say a whole lot more! I can say enough is enough! We need this contract reconstructed. These Jpay e-stamps, the lifeblood of communication between family and friends of those incarcerated, need to be brought down to a reasonable price as those in other states. For our own Secretary Mark Inch, has declared that communication is of the utmost importance in rehabilitation and the overall family unit's wellbeing. Actions speak louder than words, and the actions of contact#C2885 speak contradictory to what our Secretary is saying. Cause we've got family and friends who were purchasing the lower price e-stamps in Washington state, who can no longer afford to correspond since Jpays blocking of that avenue, of purchasing affordable e-stamps in other states. We need to change here and now. And it's up to us to make that change. United we stand, divided we fall. So please come together, unit, and let's push back for fair and equal treatment for which other states show to their loved ones. God bless you all.
Sincerely Ronald W. Clark Jr.
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