April 22, 2021


From Uhuru Pen by Prince Atum-Ra Uhuru Mutawakkil


Date: 4/10/2021 1:09:33 AM
Subject: southern.

at some point I would like to have an exchange with you about the kind of Music you like, and listen to.

It is my theory, loosely now, not dogmatic about it, that the choice of ones tells a story about the inner workings of

ones mind. even in the choices of our music we find expression. we choose the music that resonate with us because in it,

we find elements that we can and do identify with. or it helps to expunge certain emotions that we are feeling...

and once we have this exchange of music likes and dislikes, I want to make a play list of songs that I would like you to listen

to and give feed back.

this will be like our own music theory session. I must caution you though, I have an awesome ear for music and listening

to one of my lists may increase the odds of you falling in LO◊E with me .:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-).

The sonorous & dulcet touches of my selections are Granny rewarding . in another life I may have been a DJ , or

something. O:-) ;-) O:-)

If I can switch topics for the reason you can only know, I'm listening to one of my mack lists right now as I type this

and that smile of yours keep invading my thoughts, and I kinda of like that, because it tells me something.

I'm listening to Alicia Keys, song called "the life".

well, I think I'm going to put this to the side for now and wait for the next ph call with you. it is something I now look 4ward 2.

I was going to rent A movie to watch tonight, but I rather lay back and think of you as I put together , in my mind a mental

play list for you. as I sign of, I'm listening to rome, the song selection .... being with held at this time.

until the next time we an speak, I'm with well respected thoughts of you and as I explained before, I'm encouraged by

the impossible. Uhuru.

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Replies (2) Replies feed

Lilysasy Posted 3 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 10 months ago   Favorite
I just reading through the 'BLOGS " Not even even hearing of the word before. Looking up a charge me friend got in trouble for. Here I came across this BLOG and found myself hour or so later still reading. I totally agree with what you talking about. MUSIC for me and reading what you say. Music Expresses how I'm feeling through the songs lyrics. I'm mood makes me pick the song. The song speaks for me. I sit down in a room with others. I feel the energy throughout the room. That energy picked that song. If someone is around without me speaking. The song I picked says it all to whom is there. My mood can change at any given moment. Before cancer I did listen to music a lot more. I still do but I have TV involved in my life at 50. Little sooner than I planned. Not my choice believe it. I say TV because I never watched it before up til 1 year ago. 3 years only have 5 to live I'm told . Then 2 years but 3 in so I just get up every day but not as long as 4 months ago. I gotta lay down more. I hate that. As I'm sure you hate a lot of things too? No choice sucks you agree? I got a death sentence maybe I did someone wrong and deserved cancer. Sorry off track for a minute. I don't know you as you don't me. Maybe you'll get this and just know I did read your blog. Weird word blog. If you write me then I'll keep in touch with you. Glad you got a radio. Food sucks though huh?

Prince Atum-Ra Uhuru Mutawakkil Posted 3 years, 9 months ago.   Favorite
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