Aug. 8, 2021

Update on April 20, Toilet Overflowing

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Date: 7/30/2021 7:18:11 AM


Back on April 30, 2021, I wrote a piece about the toilets flooding. If you didn't get a chance to read it, you can see it below. While at recreation on Thursday, July 29th, I was speaking with the guy who's toilet flooded on April 20th. He told me how this Sgt manipulated the Captain into writing this fraudulent DR and supported placing him on "strip cell." As I walked around the yard with him, listening to his story, I got madder and madder. It was just another abuse of power by people that are too irresponsible to have any power over other human beings!!! Am I mad? You're damn right I am! It upsets me more when I see them abuse other people than it does they abuse their power to abuse me. And the inmate they did this to, well, he's into meditation and Zen. When they placed him on DC, that Sgt showed up at his cell. The inmate was sitting there meditating. They had taken all his property, but they left him his mattress and blanket. Well, the Sgt asked him why he still had that stating, "you're supposed to be on strip." The inmate told me, "Man it was still a little chilly. I'm too old to be laying on a steel platform in the cold. So I just looked up at the Sgt and said 'I'm sorry.'" He said the Sgt looked surprised and accepted his apology and walked off, leaving him his mattress and blanket. I'm nothing like this inmate. My mom wishes I was, but I'm flawed to a T!! My pride would have never allowed me to back down when I know I'm right. This "strip cell," is a rule that is over used and a way to torture inmates into submission. They've tried it on me. It didn't work. This is a rule that needs to be rescinded because it is more often that not, used improperly. I'm going to be writing about it and breaking the rule down for you. It's another example of the abuse of power that I fight against and I will continue to fight against it till my last breath. I hated hearing about how they did this man and it eats at my soul just thinking about what they did to him. God, we need change! We need true leaders managing the FDOC! Keep it in your prayers. Keep it in your heart and let's bring change, so people like him don't suffer under abusive dictators. God bless.

Sincerely, Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974
July 30, 2021


On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, we lost all power here at the Union Correctional Institution for approximately 17 hours. During that period of time, cell 5121 here in P dorm, had a plumbing issue where the toilet was flooding. Every time the guys up stairs flushed their toilets, it came up into the toilet in 5121 and out onto his cell floor. This has been an ongoing problem since this building was constructed back in 1992. These toilets flooding are highly documented in work orders and incident reports!! This is absolutely "100% UNCONSTITUTIONAL," see McCord vs. Maggio, 927 F.2d 844@847 (5th Cir 1991) ("cell flooded with raw sewage and foul water was a "CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE EIGTH AMENDMENT.") These people have lied to Senators, saying it's not happening. In late 2019, they had to move two inmates off of the bottom floor of the 2nd wing and placed them on the 4th wing left side because the sewage was spilling onto the floor. It happened to me on December 20, 2018. There was human turds all on the floor under the bunk. The wing stunk to high heaven!!!! Say it didn't happen!!! There's emails, incident reports, etc.! On December 18, 2021, cell 6110 flooded with raw sewage and it's flooded two other times this year. May through August of 2019, you had cells 6105, 6107, and a couple of others, flooding here on the 6th wing left side. There were turds out on the catwalk that wasn't cleaned for weeks. Now there's a guy sitting in Disciplinary Confinement because a new staff member said that the guy in cell 5121 was intentionally flooding his cell. So this guy goes down and tries to explain that he didn't want to hear that! They NEVER WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH!!!!! Due process? Not in the FDOC's kangaroo court rooms. They've made up their minds before they step into the room, "Based on the officer's statement, you have been found guilty!" Typical response. Typical rail road job by a two member committee that enters the room with bias and prejudicial views of inmates. So here we have a man who's constitutional rights are being violated by sewage spilling out onto his floor and then being victimized further with this bogus disciplinary report! Now he's been sentenced to disciplinary confinement, which according to the rules, 33-602.308 (4) (L), last line unequivocally states, "DISCIPLINARY CONFINEMENT SHALL BE UTILIZED ONLY AS A LAST RESORT." For some unknown reason, they can't grasp the concept of Last Resort! It's always first resort. Throw them in confinement!! Why they have this mentality is beyond me, but one thing is for certain, it needs to change. I'm going to keep bringing it to your attention until I see change, but finding mercy and compassion in those DR courts, well, you'd be better off pleading your case before Satan himself. What a sick, twisted environment to survive in. God have mercy because it's absent in here. Just wanted to share what's going on in this cesspool. God bless.
Regretfully submitted, Ronald W. Clark Jr. #812974
April 30, 2021


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