Aug. 8, 2021

Something Can Be Done About It!

by William Goehler (author's profile)


Volunteer Minister

William Goehler K77832
PO Box 409040 MCSP
Ione, California 95640


August 1, 2021

Since this covid crisis has gone on so long and caused corresponding distress amongst so many; I intend to take responsibility for my ever-expanding sone of influence and present Scientology Sermons" right here Between The, to introduce sanity to these troubled times. This is the best I can do after a year and a half of State interference prohibiting religious study group congregations. I'm most grateful to be able to provide this service; For the Love of Truth.


With THE MAN AND THE GOLDEN BALL sermon ^5 in mind, I think the follow article by L. ROn Hubbard is a relevant sermon to address the phenomena of bureaucratic pharsaism. This sermon is titled:

In the general study of the world and its affairs, we find out the only way that you can make a slave [^2 one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence] - as if anybody would want one- would be to develope a tremendous amount of mystery [unprediction, confusion, oblivion to knowing] about what it's all about, and then sell it real good; sell some bogus answer to the mystery. Man is so used to this, that when you come along and put a perfectly good answer in his hands, why, he drops it like a hot potato. because he knows what all answers are: All anwers are carefully derived from mysteries with bogus answers, and all mysteries are going to cost you something sooner or later. The development of the mystery itself stems form interpersonal relationships and man's general conflict with his fellows and his environment. And the basic mystery is- Who is he? There's no more basic mystery than that: "Who is that fellow over there?" That is the beginning of individuation, of, not individualism, but individuation [a separation from knowingness]; of pulling back from everybody and saying, "I am me and they are them, and God knows what they're up to!" And then, after a while, the fellow takes it out of the realm of mere blasphemy and puts it into worship. And he says, "Well, God knows what they're up to and he will protect me."

So what do we basically have? We basically have a mystery on who the other fewllow is. Now, science originally meant "truth," and now it means research revenue. Science has so far abandoned the basic mystery, that they think there's a mystery on what is a floor, what is a ceiling, what is space! That is really a very cooked-up mystery - because that floor and that ceiling and that space is what thee and me agreed to put there, and that's about all it is. Wherever we have a mystery, we normally have a disagreement or a misunderstanding or an out-of-communicationness. And that's all there actually is to it, basically. A fellow had to disagree with whom he was looking at. He knew about it originally and he didn't want to know who that fellow was over there. He didn't want to know anything about the situation, because he had learned a lesson: If he communicated with it, he would be proved wrong!

So we had some people in our midst - you amongst them - who would put up a "this" and say it was a "that." And then you would get these things twisted somehow or another, and you'd say, "Why don't you communicate with this?" and then say, "You communicated with that." After a while a fellow says, "Aw, I don't want to communicate with either one of them. Heck with it. Who cares what those things are. I don't want to know." And after that, he'd had it. He said, I don't want to know," and therefore he had a mystery sitting across from him someplace. And he went so far along this line of not wanting to know that after a while he conceived that he didn't know. And then he went from there and said its impossible to know.

Wherever man finds himself deeply instilled, engrossed, surrounded with mystery, he is actually in conflict with himself and himself alone. That is why Scientology works. (Aberration means departure from rational thought or behavior.) The only aberration is denial of self. Nobody else can do anything to you but you. That is a horrible state of affairs. You can do something to you, but it requires your postulate (which means a self-determined thought of decision), your agreement or your disagreement, before anything can happen to you. People have to agree to be ill; they ahve to agree to be stupid; they have to agree to be in mystery. People are victims of their own flinch. They are the victim of their own postulates, the victims of their own belief that they are inadequate.

An individual has to postulate into existence his own aberration, his own flinch, his own stupidity, his own lack of confidence and his own bad luck. Fortunately, through Scientology, the individual can also undo those postulates and regain his ability to win in life^x

3. Ibid. pg. 761
6. Ibid. pg. 281
X. LIFE, I. (understanding), when we say "life" we mean understanding, and when we say understanding' we mean affinity, reality, and communication [ARC]. To understand all would be to live at the highest level of potential action and ability. Because life is understanding it attempts to understand. When it faces the incomprehensible it feels balked and baffled.

As the previous Golden Ball sermon posited, there'll always be naysayers who think more of themselves than is practical. Bureaucrats for instance, can become so enamored with Power that they reach beyond their actual Ability to manage individuals and rather impose discordant arbitraries to demonstrate their (mis-)perceived Power of control, instead.

Alas, insanity ensues (according to #9. in the Dr. ^2 Scn. Tech-Dictionary), and domination tactics prompt a dwindling spiral campaign, unfortunately. Whereas actual Power-of-control-understands the predictable change aspect and pan-determines accordingly.

I've long understood the value of Scientology technology, especially in the Dept. of Correction and Rehabilitation, to ennoble bestial souls before they're returned to your neighborhoods someday. My SPO postulate never intended to proslytize felons to become church members, yet when I weild this science of life, and that causes ARC breaks to subvert The Credo of a True Group Member- I'm inclined to initiate comm. to help undo misunderstoods and consequently restore ARC. The Wrong Thing To Do Is Nothing.

As this sermon addressed, I'm certainly not a slave who is overwhelmed by mystery conditions, nor am I in conflict with myself. My acceptance level permits me to see this problem as requiring more comm - not less. Certainty in all three universes must be regained. Consider the Educational Axioms of Sn. and let us reason together how best to proceed. ARC= KRC^7; The Supreme Test.^8

-L. Ron Hubbard
August 1950

All data must have a goal around which to align itself. The child, to be educated into manners and skills, must have a wish to have them and that wish is principally the desire to grow up. In addition, he has minor goals such as awards for being a "good boy" and the admiration of his fellows or adults, or on a good, thorough abalytical route, any goal he supposes valuable. Whether one is teaching a child to eat with a fork or training him in calculus, the principles are the same. There must be a good reason, first, before the child will use the fork and he must understand that reason. There must be an equally good reason and use for calculus, as calculus, not a grade or degree, before he can be expected to derive much from it. In addition to this goal, there are various other axioms about education:
In Educational Dianetics, a datum is as important as it contributes to the solution of problems
A problem is as important as it is related to survival.
A solution is as important as it assists the urge along any or all of the dynamics.
A datum is valid only when it can be sensed, measured, or experienced.
A foremost part of all education is the evaluating of the importance of data.
A datum is important only in relationship to other data.
A datum is as valuable as it has been evaluated.
Arbitrary law is anything formulated and promulgated by reason of Man's will, to be enforced by threat or punishment or merely disapprobation.
Natural law is enforced by nature. Logic adapts decision and conduct to nature or adopts nature.
The amount of arbitrary law existing in a society is a direct index to the inability of that society to be rational and to the irrationality of the members of that society.
Only in the face of irrationality is farce necessary.
All things or entities which are irrational are handled by force in ratio to their irrationality. Inanimate matter and free energy are handled only by force.
Life forms are used with force less and less as they ascend up the scale from irrationality to rationality. A fully logical entity not only should not be handled by force, but excepting only cataclysms, cannot be handled by force.
Any subject should be called and treated as an art until its natural laws, or some of them, are known. The formulation of rules before the natural laws are known introduces arbitrary factors which inhibit action and destroy reason. As much flexibility and variability must be employed in any educational subject as the subject contains - which is to say that so long as the natural laws are unknown, the subject must be taught with the fullest possible awareness that they are unknown and the fact that they are unknown must be a part of the teaching.

Authoritarianism is the introduction of arbitrary law where no natural law is known, yet maintaining that the arbitrary law is the natural law, Education must raise the level of rationality and increase and reinforce the basic purpose and dynamics of the individual if it is to result in a betterment of the individual or of society.

If is the prime purpose of education to increase the self-determinism of the individual.
It is the goal of education to sort the arbitrary from the natural,
It is the principle of education to properly label that which is arbitrary and that which is natural.
It is directly opposed to the best interests of education and a society to give force to any opinion of whatever kind and to force that opinion upon any student or individual.
The maintenance of a high level of self-determinism is more important in educating than the maintenance of order.
As the aberration of the individual forces itself against others, so must force be applied against the individual and with due regard to the health and self-determinism of the individual.

The story of the growth of knowledge is the story of individuals, not the story of societies. Individuals make societies, societies only modify and moderate or warp individuals.

All education is the education of individuals, not the education of the masses.

Would you like to see the definition of INSANITY^9, now?

1. The overt + covert but always complex and continuous determination to harm or destroy.
3. The obsessive adaptation of a solution to the exclusion of all other solutions in the absence of a problem.
4. The inability to associate or differentiate properly.
9. the point between where a person who is sane goes thereafter insane is very precise. It is the exact point at which he begins to stop something...

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but - I personally, study to apply what I'm learning. And I've learned that L. Ron Hubbard intended to establish as better world: "A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights^10..." The Man and the Golden Ball indicated there'd be bureaucratic pharisaism impeding his ambition. I've learned that I don't have to display opposition in order to avenge prometheus, I just do what I do to help improve my expanding zone of influence, utilize L. Ron Hubbard's Golden Ball technology, by way of this Scientology Prison Outreach (SPG). I am indomitable in this, as a champion of SANITY", 1. the ability to recognize differences, similarities, and identities 2. a tolerance of confusion and an agreed upon stable datum on which to align the data in a confusion are at once necessary for a sane reaction on the eight dynamics. This defines sanity. 7. sanity is the measure of how ably an individual assists things which assist survival, and inhibits things which inhibit survival.

In summation, I suppose the crux of this message is that bureaucrats (hierarchy of authority) often (mis-)represent something greater than their-self. They've often surrendered their individuality. This of course predisposes them to individuate from indviduality and therin manifests the parisaical (marked by hypocritical censorious self-righteousness) phenomena of pharisees (I.t. separated), where their acceptance level is aberrated doing what we can to better conditions in our own zone of influence. It remains our responsibility to continue applying what we know and disregard the aberrated counter-postulates of others who don't understand the final product purpose of our actions. Do Right and Fear No One!

If this offends, please consider it an incomplete cycle of somekind, and let's handle it. I welcome ALL comments here Between The Bars. I truly do trust that this SPO sermon has helped produce greater understanding for others reading this. You are welcome to forward it as you wish.

7. ARC=KRC; Affinity Reality Communication- Knowledge Responsibility Control
8. The Ability to make things go right.
9. Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary (1989) Bridge Publications pg. 210
10. THE AIMS OF SCIENTOLOGY (1965) L. Ron Hubbard
11. Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary (1989) Bridge Publications pf. 367

The PRICE OF FREEDOM is constant alertness, constant willingness to fight back. There is no other price.

William Goehler, SPO-VM
Universal Life Church


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