Rigorism of Afghanistan War
Come on Taliban and Al Queda please stop this unnecessary fighting. I
know you all have a heart. Is all this worth the killing and suicide
bombings taking innocent people lives. Some of you on the forces are
a fathers, uncles, brothers, sons, nephews, husband is it worth dying for
in leaving your family behind in the name of Taliban and Al Queda or
ISIS. Allah does not tell you to harm other. Allah is loving and
understanding. Please surrender to humble us because Allah loves
you. No more suicide bombs or fighting. This war has been going on to
long. That incident at the arm port was unsuccessful. Please stop in the
name Allah. Afghanistan can be a beautiful place to live if this hatred
and stubbornness would stop against your own people. You
should want to have a beautiful place to live so that people from all
over the world want to come visit knowing that no bomb or hateful
people will harm them. You could generate a nice income that way.
How you build a government is not by tearing your land up and
working together. Ask other countries how was your country government
establish. The problem is we can be selfish people. We want things
done right now. That is not how life work. I love what
- Abu Bakr (r.a.) says: It is difficult to be patient but to waste
the rewards for patience is worse. It does matter who says you will never
can have a government. Beacuse you never had one. Anything is possible
when you plan correctly, work together correctly, no evil attached,
no bombing on war. Just setting down with people saying hey this is
my ideal. All this energy that has been put into a war. A government
could have been established by along with Afghanistan built back up. I
remember having in my mind I will get my Ged. People like honey she
been out of school so long. I had patience learning with certain
people get on my nerve but I didn't ridicule or set out to do harm
because they didn't agree with me getting that education. All show
them hatred and malice. The work of rebuilding and building a
government can progress well if the Al Queda, ISIS and
taliban stop this selfishness. A government should have a democratic
and republican giving the people choice in they conviction. ISIS,
Taliban and Al Queda I ask you to please have a change of
heart and mind so the task can be accomplish the right way.
Work together with people who are different and believe different
this is how you get things. I know you all have hearts. lets
dismantic these organization work with your people.
Written by
Jennifer Johnson
2025 jan 2
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2024 nov 12
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