Is Your Religion Real?
I am tired of the jail house religion. Some of you as soon as you go home back to your old ways. You left your bible at the prison. Shame on you. A lot of you have been in and out of prison. I've seen people leave one month. The next month they back in diagnostic. Next thing you know, here they come back to the same prison. Then you have those prisoners who want to preach, sing gospel and read their bible all the while they lay up with their girlfriends/boyfriends, smoking K-2 and the gangbang stay in lock down.If your not ready set down somewhere stop blocking the people on the outside and inside of prison that is serious about life and religion. Get the heck out of the way if your not serious nobody going to keep baby you and cantering to you. You either want to change or you don't. This what trips me out about these types of inmates. You judging The Lord said don't judge. Excuse me you was wrong. People out their in the communities you better get serious with people like this because when they was behind these walls these type inmates treated staff and the inmates like animals. The one behind the walls that is like this is dangerous inmates when nobody ain't watching. Everything is done in the dark. So the guards and the next inmate will think you lying. Every time at chapel you see those types of inmates giving their lives over and over to Christ. Only to get back to the dorm to continue in their mess. Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so so a fool returneth to his folly. Many of the inmates are disobedient behind these walls. So when enter society they continue this pattern which leads them back. As yourself is my religion real to me. If so why I am playing church.
Written by
Jennifer Johnson
2025 jan 2
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