April 16, 2022

It's Good To Be Back!

by Robert Russell (author's profile)


Robert A. Russell, #V-35292
CSP-Cor 3BO1-234L
P.O. Box 3466
Corcoran, CA 93212

March 31st, '22

[Underlined] It's Good To Be Back!

Greetings! It has been well over a year since I last shared with the out-side world the thoughts stired up behind these walls. A lot has happened in the last 12 months!

Last year, on May 18th, I was once again up-rooted and shipped off. I was forced to downsize my property and as a result of the "Six cubit feet maximum allowed personal property" rule I was unable to transfer with either my typewriter (Broke My Heart!) or my fan. They were just to bulky.

I lost all since of direction when I landed here, California State Prison-Corcoran. This prison, I remembered from years past, was invaded by the Federal Authorities because of horrendous behavior by staff. In CDCR there was (whether there still is is open to debate) an organization within the ranks of Correctional Officers called "The Green Wall". Some were indicated for staging fights to the death between gang members in Ad Seg (The hole). I have run into the green wall in the past, literally ran into, and it scared me silly to be honest. I am at the mercy of those who have been placed in authority over me. Corcoran is the birth place of the Wall.

I have now completed 19 years of my sentence, and with recent changes to the law and due to all the hard work I have done and am doing, I will be, God willing, out sometime between Oct. '23 and March '24. To say I am excited by this would be the greatest understatement of all time! But I am also dealing with a tremendous amount of fear. I fear dementia. I fear being murdered because I have made the choice to never enter into a violent episode again. I fear loosing my Father, my one TRUE Father prior to release.

-2- 3-31-22
I fear loosing my dear Mother. Mostly I fear loosing them because they have never known the man I am today and I am anxious for them to meet him.

But why fear? It is a hardcore attack of the enemy is why and he stomps on me daily. Prayer requested!

I have regained my vision now and with lots of help from loved ones am up and running once more. I am leaving community college behind, being just two business courses away from earning two more AA's huts me in the gut, but it is time to propel myself further along in my studies. I will be, Lord willing, enrolling at Adams State U in Colorado in the Fall. But I have just discovered that If ["if" is underlined] I can come, up the tuition for Blackstone Career Institute and complete their Paralegal Cert. Program I can reduce my time in prison by a whopping 6 months! Anyone wish to help? Grandma always said a closed mouth don't get fed. ;) Please pray that God will continue to enable me to speak to others of the opportunities the state gives us to educate ourselves as well as the Gospel message. It seems the field is ripe for the harvest. -Amen

God bless us all as we continue on the path He has ordained for us, Amen. In the Mightiest of all names, Jesus, who is the christ, may He be Praised now and forevermore, Amen & Amen!

Feel free to post comments, they are printed up by some awesome volunteers and shipped to me. God Bless their Hearts!

Love & Prayers

[Russ is handwritten]
R.A. "Russ" Russell


Replies (2) Replies feed

Kae_Esther Posted 2 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 2 years, 10 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

chuck_bayarea Posted 2 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 2 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Hi Russ and thank you Kae and everyone who helps with this program. Russ I will write you soon, tried to set up a video call again today. You sound great and solid. - Chuck

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