Dec. 11, 2022
by Michael Singh (author's profile)


Michael Manjeet Singh, T-22165
S.V.S.P. (ASU-148)
PO Box 1050
Soledad, CA 93960

Between the Bars
2885 Sanford Ave. SW (30428)
Grandville, MI 49418


Dear BTB,

On the day I got sentences to Life WithOut Parole , I made a statement in open court. Initially, this was a DEATH PENALTY TRIAL.

-Have you ever been a juror?
-If you were a juror, could you or should you find someone guilty - beyond a reasonable doubt - with the evidentiary issues it the transcript pages (attached)?
-If you haven't been through the (in)justice system, or actually been in court while it's happened, it is hard to believe...

Read the transcripts and see what you think...

Any reader can feel free to write me.

Thank you for your time. Happy Holidays!



encl: transcript pages: 1, 7-15
Sentencing day 6-12-2001

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EndSolitary Posted 1 year, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 1 year, 10 months ago   Favorite
Hey Michael!

I enjoyed transcribing your note! You're a talented writer and thanks so much for writing!


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