Jan. 25, 2012


by Rechell Williams (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Equality thumbnail
(Jan. 25, 2012)


Equality! 1.9.12

I am vigilant to note every little mistake made
by my family, friends, and everyone else who
crosses my mind. Yet if I wish to see the perfection
in others, I must first acknowledge the imperfections
in mself. It should be clear that I will
never know oneness until I experience equality
with those around me. Face it, we're all pretty
screwed up, and it's just plain silly to value
one form of insanity over another. Nothing
justifies believing that I know more or am further
along than someone else, because inequality is
spiritually impossible.

Write me At:
Rechell Williams #V-69138
P.O.Box 5242


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Rechell Williams Posted 13 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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