Feb. 7, 2012

Write Or Die

From Write or Die by Byron Wilson (author's profile)


Friday, 9PM
January 6, 2012

Dear Family & Friends,

Ya'll know who ya'll are, if you're having a difficult time reading this, then you probably don't read from me much :) You'll get use to it. I've created this blog for you - courtesy of "Between the Bars" and MIT Center for future civic media - in hopes of bridging the time & distance that has separated us for so many years. And I'm hoping this will help to motivate us to communicate with each other more often. To spark new interest. Get re-aquainted... for those of us who may've had misunderstandings or disagreements in years past that haven't been reconciled. Those of us who've lost touch. I hope that this blog will promote a better understanding of one another.

I felt that I needed to present this letter in my own hand. A written letter is more personal. Familiar. I'm not a "writer" so I'm not sure what this blog will feature. Not yet at least. I'm playing w/the idea of creating a personal journal. If you follow WOD (Write or Die) or Papyrus Collective anywhere else online, you might as well consider this page as a behind the scenes view of what thoughts, ideas, etc. goes into the various projects I'm involved in as general coordinator of Papyrus Collective.

Over the coming months I'll be sharing letters, articles, photos, personal notes and other information. That'll be a start. I have other ideas, but I'll surprise you. If you (underlined) have any ideas of your own, get @ me w/it. Leave your comment and/or get @ me on paper or via email

Love Alwayz
Byron P. Wilson JR.


Replies (2) Replies feed

Nicki Posted 12 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Although I see this was posted in January (on my birthday incidentally) I've seen a couple of articles pop up and was a bit confused as to what 'Write or die' actually is. Once I realised this post explained more, I was curious, yet I struggled to read it, (as you said... I'll get used to your writing in time) I decided if I transcribed this post, it would make more sense... and now it all does! (phew).

I'd be interested to follow your posts & your journal if & when you do get that started, if it doesn't just remain an idea you're toying with. I live in a country which doesn't have the death penalty, thankfully; but I would be very interested to follow your stories.

I look forward to reading more. Thank you for your post.


Byron Wilson Posted 9 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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