According to the ancient philosopher Aristotle, "Nature Abhors a Vacuum", Aristotle based his conclusion on the observation that nature requires space be filled with something, even if that something is colorless, odorless air.
The same principle is at work in Scott A. Heimermann's life. After the Milwaukee County District Attorney's office intentionally failed to disclose to Scott and his attorneys exculpatory documentary evidence of Scott's innocence and wrongfully convicted Scott for two counts of first-degree intentional homicide as party to a crime in December 1991, the idea to come up with an exoneration plan immediately came to mind for Scott. For the past two decades he has persistently put forth his best effort to defeat the lies and systematic cover-up of his convictions and life sentences. But every attempt to obtain justice was designed to fail because getting rid of those unjust convictions and life sentences meant creating a vacuum for democratic politicians in Wisconsin who were attempting to push an agenda. As soon as that still undisclosed documentary evidence in the possession of the Milwaukee County District Attorney's office and Milwaukee Police Department is disclosed, and the scales of justice is balanced in Scott's case, we will know the real truth about what was going on by Milwaukee law enforcement officials 23 years ago in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Thinking about vacuums helps us to understand the importance of what the still undisclosed documentary evidence will confirm when it is ordered disclosed through a competent court of law. To be sure, the August 19, 1989 murders of Black Gangster Disciple member Mohammad Binwalee who was also a FBI top-ten fugitive and his bodyguard Dion Russell are part of the systematic cover-up, all because of Milwaukee law enforcement officials were attempting to push a major undercover operation in 1989 that went wrong. At that time a drugs and gun-trafficking operation was headed by senior Milwaukee law enforcement and at times overseen by high-level federal bureaucrats in Milwaukee. The operation started in early 1989 under the leadership of Milwaukee Police Detective Barry Debraska Jr. and other fellow Milwaukee law enforcement officials, in which Debraska and fellow agents used career informant Edward Piscitello to walk illegal drugs and guns to Black Gangster disciples and other criminal gangs on an ongoing basis. Piscitello was also one of the other two individuals who was charged with the August 19, 1989 murders for which Scott was charged and convicted as a party to a crime. Evidently, Milwaukee law enforcement was seeking to track the illegal drugs and guns as a part of a larger crackdown on the growing violence between Milwaukee and Chicago in 1989. Therefore, Debraska and his fellow agents were providing murderous gang members with illegal drugs and guns on an ongoing basis. During the course of that operation, gangsters Binwalee and Russell were shot and killed by career informant Piscitello and Joseph Isajiw who in due course became a target of that operation for drug smuggling in rural Chilton, Wisconsin.
So far, statements by U.S. Customs Agent Buford Gates has helped assemble information to Scott that exposes Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm's office and Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn's department of criminality and stonewalling regarding Debraska's and other fellow Milwaukee law enforcement officers' involvement in the August 19, 1989 murders. Additionally, career informant Piscitello has submitted sworn affidavits to Scott to fill in the blanks that admitted that his fellow Milwaukee law enforcement handlers in 1989 botched the operations in which Piscitello said he was ordered by senior officials in Chisholm's office in early 1991 to be silent regarding the illegal drugs and guns operation. Hence Chisholm's office who possesses intimate and damaging information, especially on the role of the Milwaukee County District Attorney's office to wrongfully prosecute and convict Scott for the August 19, 1989 murders of the two Black Gangster Disciple members whom died as a result of the botched illegal drugs and guns operation carried out by high-level Milwaukee law enforcement bureaucrats — is not only responsible and accountable for all the aforementioned lies and cover-up regarding Scott's convictions, but Chisholm's office is also obstructing justice as it relates to the current state of litigation in question as it pertains to establishing Scott's innocence to be a free man, as Chisholm's office continues to fight ferociously to prevent the still undisclosed documentary evidence from falling into Scott's hands. In other words, if and when the full nature of Chisholm's office involvement in covering up the murders is discovered through the still undisclosed documentary evidence, a big part of Chisholm's office and Chief Flynn's department will be in political peril.
According to career informant Piscitello, Scott became part of this operation by being lured as a naïve participant through a multi-million real estate scheme propounded by Piscitello to Scott within the ambit of that operation. Piscitello and his Milwaukee law enforcement handlers to push an agenda used Scott. During that time, the erratic and violent behavior of Piscitello caused Scott to call the Milwaukee Police Department in late July 1989 (just a few days shy of the murders), but the police had done nothing; chose instead to look the other way. That kind of indifference is not only upsetting, but such a disinterested response by the Milwaukee Police Department is what permitted Piscitello's plan to carry out the August 19, 1989 murders of gangsters Binwalee and Russell and, caused Scott to be an innocent bystander to the time of the underlying murders.
Recently Scott sought to obtain the aforementioned still undisclosed documentary evidence to effectuate an innocence pardon through Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's office. But Governor Walker refused to protect Scott's constitutional right to establish his innocence, erasing his wrongful convictions and allowing his immediate freedom, because Governor Walker himself is fighting for his life in as much as Governor Walker is currently the target of a 'secret' John Doe investigation headed by Chisholm's office. In addition, Chisholm who is also a liberal democrat in any election year has recently shifted his John Doe investigation to embrace a state-wide democratic recall effort of Governor Walker, which is the biggest such recall effort of its kind in America's history. Only twice before in the Nation's history has a governor been recalled.
In sum, the only permanent solution to the problem of Scott's unconstitutional prolonged imprisonment is to replace it with the still undisclosed documentary evidence that is in possession of Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm's office and Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn's department, which fills the vacuum. As soon as that is done, the less room there is for any more cover-upu and raw politics in Wisconsin regarding Scott's case.
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