Feb. 21, 2012

Living On Purpose(LOP) Statement Workbook

by William Goehler (author's profile)


Living on Purpose (LOP)
Statement Workbook
Adapted from D. Amen's M.D. One Page Miracle

In Cell Assignment
Answer the following question to help you shed light on what you value, use another sheet of paper if needed.

3. Think of yourself lying in your coffin at the end of your life. What was really important to you in your life? What has eternal value?

On my death bed again? I am certain that I will see the eternal value of having had this experience. In its entirety!

What was really important to me in this life—aside from living it like it's an adventure? Let's see... the Prometheus effect my life has had upon countless others who have become awakened to some degree as a consequence of our encounter.

Regarding: What has eternal value? Long ago in my meditations I saw into the abyss of eternity, and I heard the hordes of disembodied souls—as a beacon on a distant shore crying out: "LIVE!" From those immortals who have had this mortal experience, with all of its wretchedness and majesty, they all convey the same idea about life: i.e. "Where you've been doesn't matter. Where you are doesn't matter. What really matters is where are you going?"

These immortal beacons weren't pontificating notions of heaven or hell, but rather simply stating that the mortal experience is temporary and episodic—and that we are the Creators of the conditions in our lives. Make of it what we will. Realizing our creative ability is the real lesson of eternal value, I believe.


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