May 22, 2011

Expand My Horizon

by Steven Robinson


"Expand my horizon"

Greetings and salutations to the "conscious minds"...

My name is: Steven Robinson and you can note that in my heart of hearts, I sincerely hope and trust that my blogs will bring about some very intriguing, fruitful, and productive exchanges while also establishing many sustaining and wholesome rapport(s) with the conscious minds and warm souls at large.

That being said, you can rest assured that I am open-minded and non-judgemental. I'm very engaging, intellectually savvy, and humbly curious. "I'm a critical thinker". I'm progressive, realistic, egalitarian and quite humanitarian...I am: "A conscious mind".

While those are just a select few of my many core characteristics and attributes, they by no means fully outline who I am as a continuously evolving being on a mental, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual plain.

As a 1st time blogger with this opportunity to share and express critical thoughts, ideas, concerns, comments, and understandings is in "my opinion" an extraordinary and tremendous opportunity with many great upsides. Because, once again, in "my opinion" creating and expanding one's social network and interaction with the masses of conscious and diverse minds can definitely soar to the zenith of expressions and potentials. Therefore, I personally value the virtues of organic communication, dialogue and or exchanges and I'm sure, or would like to think that you all do too. So, you can trust that whatever endeavors you as individuals seek in your "personal pursuit of happiness", as long as they're "good, wholesome, egalitarian, productive, and righteously stimulating I'll be here to do my part as an advisor, supporter, to inspire, and encourage you to conquer such heights of unparalleled and unadulterated joy and wellness. Therefore you could bet the last hair on your pinky toe that I'll be honoured to listen to, engage in and learn from anyone with the best of intentions. Only if you will promise to do the same with me via "pinky swear" :) :) .!! L.O.L

While moving forward, please take note that the theme of my blogs will consist of: "consciousness" (e.g. neo-soul, afro centric, spoken word, revolutionary/independence struggles) and the like. However there will also be topics that range from but are not limited to: thought-provoking, and well researched literature of the protest genre, world independence; great thinkers; world religions; political affairs; world events; poetry; memoirs; cultural and social sciences; popular entertainment; music; sports; health; and fitness etc. A lot huh!?! :) :) Well, I told you all that I was "conscious and curious"!! :) :)

That being said, I cordially invite your pure and truest insight, questions, concerns, or comments, on said ideas and topics as I transport through this bloggesphere. Most importantly I would be thankful for all input from the conscious citizenry, the masses of individuals who'll take my blogs and expound on them to the max via blog and, for those of you who so choose, please contact me personally at the address provided below. Let me in on your thoughts, ideas, issues, and concerns as well.

What you have to say matters. I wouldn't be of the conscious, egalitarian, or humanitarian breed if it didn't matter to me. I want to be, remain and become more socially aware and politically involved. I want to know how I can be useful and active in a cause greater that myself. I strive to be relevant in the most humble manner to the eco-system of humanity. Therefore, I encourage all viewers to challenge me; I'm always willing to learn as I firmly believe that my perspectives and analyses can always be corrected, upgraded, and uplifted via a more thoroughly informed and practically proven course of action.

Okay, that's it for now, you'll have to read my blogs to learn more but please note that because of my being behind enemy lines (incarceration) I won't be able to instantly read about and or review your questions, comments, concerns or ideas {i.e. It could be weeks before I receive a printed copy of them.} Therefore, I encourage and strongly suggest that for those of you truly wish to establish a more engaging and personal line of communication with me to respond via blog and by writing me personally at:

***Mr. Steve Robinson #97464, P.O. Box-9900/W.S.P.F, Boscobel, Wisconsin 53805***


Replies (2) Replies feed

Rita Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
hi Steven,
On the 3rd of January I went through a whole list of inmates and began at the end of it ans saw your name. I noticed you had almost none response, and after reading it,I was very enthousiatic because of what I read!
I didn't see your profile, but I could tell you aren't very young anyumore, so to see the content of your letter!

By this I send my wishes to have a New Year plenty of inspiration, happiness, warmth and peace of heart. And... I do the Pinky Swear, haha.
Do you know that 'lol' means fun?It came from our language most probably?I am spe

Rita Posted 9 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
... aking Flemish(or Dutch).The Dutch of the south, since I am Belgian.The Dutch of the north is from The Netherlands.Belgium has 3 official languages; Dutch, French and a minority speaks German.
I do live in Antwerp(en)and mom lives in Brussels,our capital.
We have two daughters: Elke,36 and Leslie,35.
My ex stayed in Argentina, we divorced,but we are still befriended.
As a family we lived 7 yrs in the States: 3 in Utah and 4 in Ohio.
We left for the first time with baby Elke and Leslie was born in Utah. She has two nationalities.
Later the girls studied 4 yrs in Ohio.
Later on we lived also almost 6yrs in Argentina.There I was exposing some paintings. Oils, watercolors and inkts mostly. I did academy of Arts in the city of Mechelen (oils and drawing) and was thought watercolor by Stephen Suchy,an American.

Who am I in a nutshell?I am a creative 67yr old peron but with a young mind.Like my mom I do not look my age.;)Then again, an age is just a number, eh.
Everythoing happens for a reason, and so I must have found your name not just by coincidence.(smile)
To add a little ùore of my personality:I am very social,sportive,I do have a positive spirit and am an engaged woman.In my lifetime I did a lot of voluntary work as well.I love literature,and do write now and then poetry.Love to dance, my yoga, playing piano and reading books.
At 19 of age I was a teacher in primary school; but then at 30 we moved to the Stetes.

I can tell things more later and wait for your answer,prior to write you a personel letter,ok?

I write with a few inmates for several yrs!

Have a pleasant day! Rita


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