Aug. 8, 2012

A Genius Behind Bars... And?

From Prometheus Writes! by Nathaniel Lindell (author's profile)


A Genius Behind Bars... And?
by Nate A. Lindell created 22 July 2012

About 16 months ago the head psychologist here (a former computer programmer, f.y.i. cognitive sci's) did the 4 verbal subtests of the WAIS-IV on me, but played dumb about the results & never completed the performance subtests. It kinda irritated me, as I wanted proof of my I.Q. so I could join MENSA &, hopefully, enjoy some stimulating conversation. It pains me greatly being surrounded by dull people, staff & inmates, who often hate on any brightness.
Finally, recently, the good Dr. completed the WAIS-III battery on me. The results are on the other side of this sheet, the "2nd page" of this post. My full-scale I.Q. is, apparently, 144, which means I can easily join MENSA (need an I.Q. of 130 or higher) & just barely stops me from being 3 deviations above the norm (for I.Q. results, the average scores, the majority of scores, fall between 85-115, & a "standard deviation" is 15 points, so a score of 114 is "normal," while a score of 116 is just barely one deviation above the norm), which would put me in (according to the Normal or Gaussian Curve, aka the Bell Curve principle of probability theory/statistics) the top 1%.
Unbelievable, right? Maybe even offensive! It was both to my fellow prisoners when I told them, & they proceeded to project their ignorance and hate on me.
I'm convicted of murder, serving life without any likelihood of parole, subject to the whims of dull & dirty staff & crab-in-a-barrel inmates (they won't let others climb out!), yet I have I.Q. of 144, at least.
Is my mind being wasted? If so, why? Am I to blame or society? What does a high I.Q. mean anyway? These questions seem begged.
Benj Sugar & I do chat on A.I. etc., so, hopefully, there's some positive/productive use of the intelligence I miraculously & strangely have. If any of you readers have other ideas on how I might use my mind productively while I suffer death by prison, feel free to holler.
Yes, I hope my true story here shatters some myths/misperceptions about prisoners. We're not all stupid, nor does the fact that someone is highly intelligent mean they will win at the game of life.

Love & Wisdom,


1 of 2

[The following is a transcription of the above-mentioned test results form]

Division of Adult Institutions
DOC-3473 (Rev. 7/2011)


PATIENT NAME (Last, First): LINDELL, Nathaniel
DOC NUMBER: 303724
DATE OF SERVICE: 06/02/2012

X Clinical Interview
_ Social Services File
_ Psychological Testing
X PSU Record
_ Medical Chart
_ Other:

_ MH-0 No MH need
X MH-1 MH need, not SMI
_ MH-2a Axis I SMI
_ MH-2b Axis II SMI
_ DD

Mr. Lindell was provided with IQ testing to identify his level of intelligence.

Please review PSU file for information regarding Mr. Lindell's mental health history.

Mr Lindell was administered the WAIS-III IQ test in the Health Services Unit. There were no complications involved with the testing administration. Results from the testing revealed a full scale IQ score of 144. He obtained a Verbal IQ score of 143 and a Performance IQ score of 134. Index scores were as follows:

Verbal Comprehension: 145
Perceptual Organization: 138
Working Memory: 115
Processing Speed: 111

[Blue stamp that reads: INMATE COPY; Red stamp that reads: CONFIDENTIAL]

Mr. Lindell's index scores and IQ scores were all well above average. His IQ scores were all within the very superior range.

Mr. Lindell was oriented to person, place and time. His mood was euthymic. He expressed himself in an organized and fluent manner. He did not evidence signs of psychosis, mood disturbance, impulse control difficulties, or cognitive impairments. Mr. Lindell was future oriented and made no statements suggesting that he was suicidal.

Axis I [appears to be erased/covered up; replaced with the handwritten words: "(my diagnoses are omitted)"]
Axis II [again, appears erased]
Axix III (If Relevant): Deferred to HSU

Mr. Lindell will be provided with additional assessment as needed and/or requested to obtain additional information regarding elements of interest affiliated with his cognitive functioning.

X No

MENTAL HEALTH CLASSIFICATION (SMI = seriously mentally ill)
_MH-0 No MH need
X MH-1 MH need, not SMI
_ MH-2a Axis I SMI
_ MH-2b Axis II SMI
_ DD

[appears erased, replaced with handwritten note: "(Signature omitted, per B&B's policy)"]
[appears erased, note reads: "(Name omitted per B&B's policy)"] Psy.D, L.P.
[in handwriting different from the above is written: "7/12/2012"]


DISTRIBUTION: Original - PSU Record, Referrals/Screening/Contact Section; Copy - Medical Chart, Psychological Records (Copies) Envelope; Copy - Social Services File, Confidential Envelope

Page 1 of 1

[in what appears to be Lindell's handwriting]: 2 of 2


Replies (9) Replies feed

kyleproehl Posted 12 years, 6 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Transcribed your post and test results. Congrats. Hope you're working things out. Thanks for sharing.


Docborgas Posted 12 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
These scores are not computed corrected. I administer these tests everyday and I am very familiar with the WAIS-IV. It is not divided into "verbal vs. nonverbal domains as in the previous editions. Given the cluster scores reported:

Verbal Comprehension: 145
Perceptual Organization: 138
Working Memory: 115
Processing Speed: 111

My interpretation is that this individual is very articulate and has superior verbal cognitive strengths. His perceptual reasoning skills are also within this range however, there is a lot of variation within his performance suggesting relative strengths and weaknesses. Because both his working memory and processing speed fall within the high average range, these areas represent relative weaknesses for him and it may take him a bit longer to process information that is not verbal in nature. I would estimate his Full Scale IQ to be approximately, 127. Because this is within the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM), he is within the "gifted" range...and may still be eligible for Mensa if they adhere to the SEM for Full Scales scores.

OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hey Nate, I hope that all is well for you. I understand all too well when you say that not all who are highly intelligent will win at the game of life. That is the truth, at least for me anyway because I was told for years that even though I was very intelligent that I was almost too smart for my own good. In a way I guess that was correct, I recently was going through stuff from back in the day & found ACT results, & ASVAB results from 2001. I was 17 then, I am now 29 and I couldnt believe how much I had overlooked that now made sense to me about these test results. I am not sure if by my last 2 yrs of school were spent just not caring since grades werent a problem for me, or if by then after so many years of feeling I was wasting my time with being made to sit and "learn" things I already knew (along with insulting "schedule filler" classes like "Go Bowling" or "Using A Camera Properly!" -ahhh come on, at least call it photography for dumbasses, for Judas sake! LOL - among other types of school day filler that I had long outgrown mentally as I was a researching bookworm aka nerd in disguise way more at home than at school). I recall way back (had to be very early in school) when around 1st/2nd grade (!!) we had this dumb blue book called The Handbook For Reading. Hmmm. Okay. Had a stupid apple and a ruler on the front, it haunts me until this very day! (laugh) Well it was nothing but pages full of different 4-5 letter words to "sound out" and then hopefully read.....I went into school knowing how to read so I felt stupid when the teacher asked me to please at least pretend to "sound out the words in the book" so that the other students didnt feel bad. So therefore, what can I say about that year? I learned two (much needed in life) talents- how to pretend to stutter-n-spit when jabbering incoherently with Handbook For Reading PLUS how to totally fake NOT knowing how to read. Not easy! But Im so proud after all of these yrs, whew! I got lucky, dammit! (LOL)

OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite

Anyway, just thought I would share that little intelligence memory with you.... I wanted to ask if you have found out any additional info about becoming a part of MENSA? I had this blog entry saved in my list of favorites on the computer so I could come back to it, and have finally gotten to reply to you after reading for quite awhile now. (smile) Also, you mentioned A.I. a few times in your blog....are you familiar with a group of supposed human beings who claim to be "Pledians" and from another planet yet they have leaders who educate others on "Astral Vampires" (basically random idiots in public or in your life that suck the positivity out of you in each way they can from what I gathered....only they are ASTRAL random idiots, too) among other subjects that they discuss. I am not joking around, and can actually try and get the info to you because a guy in Norway does all of this....says he is a Pledian and puts up online videos to educate others every few days. I had never came across anyone who, and backed up in at least over half of his valid "internet" arguments, claims to be only in human form while here on Earth yet basically an alien. What are your honest thoughts on this person from Norway? Because according to his web page, hes sure putting alot into this and has been writing/educating about it since 2003. Says his name is Maggador. I believe he mentions references to how a distant relative was a Knights Templar? Your opinion on the whole Pledian thing? Along with why someone who devote their everyday life (its obvious that he does for this) to teach others about something if its not real? He is very well spoken and seems above average in intelligence, but then again, I could claim to be anything out in society and I am sure Id get some nomads to follow me and discuss my false claim so many times Id probably get delusional and believe it myself. JK. -CC

Nathaniel Lindell Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Nathaniel Lindell Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Nathaniel Lindell Posted 12 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

kyleproehl Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Mr. Lindell,

Best wishes for the holidays and new year.


Kyle Proehl

Ormonde Posted 12 years ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years ago   Favorite
Congratulations on your test results. Job very well done given the circumstances you had to take the test under. Imagine the score you would of received without the limitations, restrictions & distractions at the time of your testing. Your intellectual Genius is what started me to read your blog. Hope this message finds you well. Best Regards, Paul

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