Aug. 26, 2012

Tax-Payer Funded Crime

by Chris Hall



It seems almost comical to me when I hear voters fretting and arguing about tax cuts and how/where they will get the money to fight crime and pay for prisoners, etc. Then when I hear all these new 'theories' about the causes of criminality and how we can possibly reduce the recidivism rate, I realize a couple things. One is that the American public just doesn't get it. Two is that they have lost touch with reality.

I mean, the left hand is fighting against the right hand here. The public is trying to reduce recidivism, and thereby the crime rate and prison population, while at the same time the government is spending vast amounts of money and manpower causing and instigating crimes to happen. Why? All sorts of reasons. But maily to justify their existence. You can't justify big criminal justice budgets if there is no crime. They need a booget man to fight so that the public taxpayers will need them to fight them.

My story is not unique. I know this same thing goes on in gangs and dissidents and criminal groups of every race and creed. But let me show you how Uncle Sam works to create crime.

I know a FBI informant. Who also happens to be a ranking member of a group the FBI labels as a terrorist group, a political extremist group, or a criminal gang. (depending on who they're lying to). Now I know this informant to have been directly involved in at least two murders, maybe three. Now I know the law enforcement knows this because when certain snitches were snitching about other crimes they were caught on, they will "come clean" with other crimes, and in these statements taken down by cops, they mention the informant also aiding, ordering or commiting the murders and/or various crimes. Yet, of course, the FBI will not allow their own to be prosecuted.

I've known this same FBI informant to have attacked women, pregnant women (mine also, causing a miscarriage). Burning tattoos out of rival gang members with blowtorches, slashing tattoos out with knives or box cutters, shooting holes through tattoos, rape, robbery, why pil the list any higher?

I know that the FBI says that such people are needed to justify the fact that such informants hand them easy convictions. But seriously, think what is better: to have 2 murders committed in a given city in a certain period and say they could only solve one of them, OR to have 10 murders committed in the same city in the same period and boast that they were able to solve all of them? (not mentioning the fact that their informant either ordered, instigated, hired or armed the criminals to have the crimes done, then give up the people he solicited).

This is nothing really new. Anyone familiar with the FBI's war against domestic dissents in the 60's and 70's under their COINTELPRO operations will remember that the FBI had a policy of infiltrating agents into groups for the explicit purpose of instigating crimes and thereby giving them the necessary pretext to arrest the people they didn't like anyways. I know that the FBI said they stopped COINTELPRO in 1979, then in 1981 the Supreme Court found out they were lying (surprise!) , the S.C. ordered them to shut it down in 1981. But seriously, does anyone read the news? Notice how in the Hutari militia group case, the group was preparing for the downfall of America NOT initially trying to cause it? Enter the FBI, persuades and argues how necessary it is for them to attack the police. After resistance he finally convinces them to plot an attack, the FBI agent trains them to build pipe bombs...then the FBI swoops in and busts them trying to look like some savior to the American public. Does anyone else see anything wrong with that picture? It happens over and over. Just read between the lines of the paper. Why do they always bust the same 19 yr old terrorist, who happens to have a dud bomb supplied by the FBI?

But this has extended into every facet of law enforcement now. I can't name how many of these prison gangs have histories where a FBI agent would be in a prominent position. Order crime after crime, and send the cops in right after them. I know the public says that's fine, get the criminals, but from your stance, what about the victims that are being robbed, killed, or raped at the direct order of your FBI? By people who probably wouldn't have the means to commit them, ie cars, guns, etc. had not the FBI agent given them the means of carrying out what he ordered them or tricked them into doing?

Of course, retaliation can't be overlooked either. It doesn't matter if the FBI refuses to prosecute, or prohibits anyone else from prosecuting the agents they allow to commit such abominations against people. People want justice, it's a basic human characteristic. They will get justice, when you have an FBI agent wiring up all sorts of internal wars and feuds among various groups, yeah you can justify (maybe) his direct crimes, but what about all the people killed or armed in the fallout of what he does?

Either way, might as well quit worrying about a high crime rate, and get used to a 2.4 million man prison population (1 outta 4 on earth in the U.S.), cause as long as your taxpayer dollars fund such a morally bankrupt and corrupt police state, this will be the result. Anyone who bases their perception of reality on Hollywood fictional TV shows such as Law and Order or CSI has completely lost touch with reality and would better cast votes in some fictional fantasy world than the one we actually live in. The real world isn't produced by Hollywood, it's made by crooked US cops.

8/2012....Chris Hall


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