Nov. 30, 2012

First Post

by Reginald Cooper (author's profile)


Before starting: choose which one you want to be, a Garnak and Jiffnoon.

How many of you want to be free, free to be yourself as you truly are. Well, one way of doing it is understanding words or a word. Most of us are unhappy because we can't express ourselves as we want. Why, because we feel we have these standards at which we have to uphold and live up to, please others and get approval. We have been conditioned, for lack of a better word, brainwashed, so we conscious ourselves to what we think is right to the other person, and still wonder: How did I do, was it good enough. Truth be told, you'll never be happy with that sort of thinking. Words are powerful, something sounds good, we absorb ourselves in it. If it's negative, we repel, feeling insulted and hurt. Think S.E.X.Y., letters which become a word, sexy, which you give meaning to. Sexy is this and that, which cause feeling, emotion, pleasure, pain and etc. Now, garnak and jiffnoon, I tell you garnak means you are sexy and attractive with elegances, now you think - OK - thank you, you take pleasure in it. Now jiffnoon, I tell you means, you are too stupid to know you are not a garnak. Now you feel criticized. But remember, neither affects you at first, because they had no meaning until you + I gave it meaning, which caused other effects on you. (Garnak and Jiffnoon are words I made up, by the way). I want you to know that you are perfect, beautiful and pure, learn not to give words meaning to hurt you or the need to make you feel great, learn to be indifferent: hear it, acknowledge it, and let it go. Know yourself, because no one else can, and seeking to make yourself feel great, you will constantly have up and down feeling. Why do that to yourself?

Googer - 11-19-12


Replies (2) Replies feed

Tricia Posted 10 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
That was deep....

Reginald Cooper Posted 10 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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