Dec. 18, 2012

Prisoners' Lawsuit Over Obstruction of Litigation

From Prometheus Writes! by Nathaniel Lindell (author's profile)



Topic: Prisoners' Lawsuit over Obstruction of Litigation

Re: Case No. 12-CV-759-WMC, Lindell, Riker vs. Jess, et alia
Western District of Wisconsin U.S. District Court
Look it up on

Well, I'm back in the saddle again, along with Sean Riker. In the forenoted case we are challenging the W.D.O.C.'s recent + sudden ban on the postage-free routing of legal materials to/from other prisoners in max-security prisons. According to defendant Cathy Jess, as stated by her in a 27 Aug. 2012 memo, this restriction was put in place at least in part to "eliminate concerns over staff [mis]handling of inter-institution routed correspondence".

Not surprisingly, I (Nate A. Lindell), an avid jail-house lawyer, have had my legal routes to "clients" lost or misdelivered (more often than theirs to me have been - theirs ASK for help, while mine GIVE it) numerous times + have thus filed numerous complaints with prison staff about that. Despite WI Adm. Code 310.16 (6) promising that no "reprisals" will occur because of our complaints, Jess enacted a doozy of one in ending legal routes.

We've been able to + still can use U.S. Mail to exchange legal materials, but I'm $10,000 in debt, can't afford postage to help "clients". Meaning I can't help guys get into court without legal routes being allowed. Besides, Riker + I've had our U.S. Mail to each other "disappeared" too, + filed grievances about that also.

The suit is only 5 pages, but explains our claim very well. In a two page memorandum of law, our legal theory is explained. Our claim is a straightforward one of retaliatory interference with our First Amendment right to "Petition for Redress of Grievances", here, to petition prison officials, which they held against us, effectively denying us that right.

We seek to get legal routing reinstated and damages (money).

Please e-mail this press release to;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; + anywhere else you want to.


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tarah Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Dear Nate,

This is not a direct reply to your post of Dec. 18, 2012, but I thought this would be fine place to write to you. I discovered your blog when looking through the "Write a Prisoner" website (admittedly, out of morbid curiosity). I feel conflicted about writing to you, as I have done a bit of research into your crimes. However, I don't think that those who are imprisoned for their deeds should be forgotten or considered beyond redemption.

You should be commended for continuing to nurture your mind as you spend your time in prison. I was an English major and spent many years filling my brain with literary theory, including a semester-long course on our mutual literary "friend", Edgar Allan Poe. His poem, "The Bells", has remained one of my favourites. It's haunting, and beautiful. I wonder what your favourites are when considering his oeuvre. I would be happy to discuss literature with you if you'd like to exercise that part of your brain in conversation with another.

Christmas must be an interesting time in prison. Do you have any observations on this festive season from where you are?

I read a bit of your writing on the nature of personality. I am also interested in personality formation, and other matters of the mind - dreaming, the effects of parenting techniques on personality, and intelligence. I saw the saga of your IQ testing -- I was tested back in high school, and was disappointed to discover that though I was gifted linguistically, my very poor performance in math-related questions brought my final score down. I suppose I am not very well-rounded. So, I hover at 117, last I was checked. Above-average, but not Mensa-worthy. My years spent poring over a Mensa trivia book were all for naught, it seems. How much access do you have to new library materials for you to continue learning and using that brain of yours?

Anyway, I must go, but I wish you a most Merry Christmas. Perhaps I will hear from you at some point.

A plethora of regards,


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