Dec. 20, 2012

Change Takes Work

by Robert Russell (author's profile)


Change takes work! December 4, 2012 #40

You may have noticed in my last few post an underlying anger. I have this issue with anger and it seems to raise its ugly head all to often. Anger in and of itself is not a sin issue, but it is how it is used. With me, I use it to control my enviroment. That is OK to a certain degree, after all Christ was "angered & grieved" when he turned out the money changers from the temple. Anger can be a tool for change.

Anger can also be highly destructive! I tend to use anger to bring about desired change, then it just gets out of control, and the next thing you you I am speaking words meant to hurt not help. That is a problem. I have told myself such things as "Well my gift is in administration (it is) so I do not need to be all "out there" interacting with others. That is exactly what the enemy wishes.

I have rationalized my anger so many ways it boggles the mind. I have become convinced that I have it all figured out, the underlying cause of my anger issue. I have put in work dealing with many issues. I think that now it is just a emotional addiction with me.

I also tend to fall pray to the enemies lies that I alone get angry, that I am no good to the Kingdom because of it, etc. In reality I have made huge strides in overcoming destructive anger patterns over the last five years. Unfortunately conflict is often necessary to bring about change. I get a lot of conflict in here!

I find that I can deal with people on a superficial level and almost never get anger, can resolve conflict in highly constructive ways. But when I get close in with someone and I get crowded it can get a bit over the top. One of the things I always told myself is that I do not "suffer fools lightly." The problem that raises is that I am all to often the fool!

I am now involved in a 16 week workshop to help me learn new behaviors. To be honest I just lack faith that I will ever be able to deal with a direct challenge in a calm manner.

I am putting in some work, being honest about my struggle and seeking all the prayer I can get. Do you have any advise? All comments are welcomed.

Be well and pray often.



Replies (3) Replies feed

RussFamily Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
You seem to be on a positive track! Self examination, confession, repentance and a sincere desire to be transformed are the steps that need to be taken. I'm cheering and praying for you in this effort!

The only suggestion I would make is to consider the underlying beliefs that trigger the inappropriate feelings and behaviors. Ask God to help you understand these beliefs, and then replace the lies with His truth. You know this process.


Katemonster Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

robsmom Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
In reading your post, I see stress as the motivating factor in your anger. You have tried very hard to make the cellmate sitution work. But I have seen the stress building and building and with it your anger. He is a creep pure and simple, He is passive, aggressive and pushing your buttons. Your number one goal should be to get away from him. You are a Good Man, period. Your anger is not misplaced, from what I see, he is enjoying making you angry or he would stop his creep behavior, as you have nicely and not so nicely asked him to do. Just keep trying to move. He will never change and would like nothing more then to change you from the kind and good man you are, to the angry and stressed one he makes you. To a man like him, thats the kind of power he probably lives for. Please see him for all of that and just ignore him. He is not worth a minute of your good health and well being. So There!! I like when you ask for advise :) Love, Mom

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