Dec. 24, 2012

Daily Journal (Dec. 12-16, 2012)

by Ronald W. Clark, Jr (author's profile)


Daily Journal
December 12-16 2012

Wednesday December 12, 2012 4:55am: I've been up since 2:12am. I tried to go back to sleep and couldn't. I seen on the news earlier that they killed Manny at 7.48am. There was either a problem with the execution, or some type of stay which would have only been an hour and a half stay, and that doesn't make sense. I'm waiting to catch Channel 20 WCJB news out of Gainesville, they'll give more details.
6:18am: They didn't give much more details. They 20 News said Manny was pronounced dead at 7:47am, so one minute difference from what I seen on the other news station. I just finished cleaning my cell, sink, toilet, walls, bars and floor. Not sure what I'll do next. I don't really have the stamps to write letters. I don't feel like doing any drawing.
9:03am: Just been sitting around wasting time. Listening to some music. I've been sitting here doodling on this paper. I don't consider this drawing, 'cause I don't spend much time on it. We may get canteen today, tomorrow I should get 10 songs that I ordered. Friday they have this little holiday party. It's not all that. Some people come on the wing singing Christmas songs and give us a soda and a bag with some cookies and candy. Back in the 90s it was special. But the people in the FDOC slowly messed it up. No doubt Manny's family is probably getting his body taken care of. He went from a living human to a corpse, in the name of God, justice and the American way. We are extremely intelligent here in the good ol' US of A, where we exterminate our citizens. Yeah - that's real smart; murder, to prove murder is wrong. We just have too many vengeful bloodthirsty vultures in America, and too many politicians who look to use the death penalty and criminal justice system as a stepping stone to further their political career.
2:36pm: They just passed out canteen. I've just been sitting around doing absolutely nothing. There's really nothing to do. Fixing to lay down and listen to some music, just to get away from some motor mouths down the hall. These guys will be right next to each other and talk loud enough for guys 8, 9 cells away to hear. I can't stand that crap. Oh well, that's the way it is.
5:46pm: Just sitting here watching the news and waiting on the showers. They won't start until about 6:30, 7pm, I won't get in the shower until 8:00, 8:15pm, so I'll miss some of Survivor. After Survivor I'm going to sleep. If I have any mail they can wake me up. Mail probably won't be delivered until 10, 10:30. Well, I'm going to lay back and call it a day.

Thursday December 13, 2012 5:49am: Got up at 4am, cleaned everything up, watched the news and the sick twisted shit going on out there. From the mall killings to the video taping beating of a homeless man. Sick people! Humanity - we may need to rethink that. I didn't get my shower last night until almost 9pm. I missed the end of Survivor. Mail came early about 9:15 and they didn't call master count until 9:45 and didn't do it until after 10pm, which is when I went to sleep. Not sure what I'll do today. Maybe the same thing that I did yesterday, which is absolutely nothing. I talked yesterday with Brother Dale, Manny's spiritual leader who spent the last remaining hours with him. He said Manny did good as could be expected.
10:08am: Just sitting here wasting time. I talked with Chaplain Campbell when he came through about 30 minutes ago. He's hands down the best chaplain we've had back here. He really cares about people. Not sure what I'm going to do next.

Friday December 14, 2012 4:35am: I've been up since 3am. I did not get a good night's sleep. I woke up several times with really bad cramps in my legs. I remember when I was a little kid I used to get real bad cramps. I used to lay on the couch with my mom and she would massage the muscles in my legs until they would stop cramping. I have a very wonderful loving mother. Couldn't have asked for a better one. Yesterday I didn't accomplish a thing. In fact by 6pm I put my MP3 player on, got under the covers, and fell asleep listening to music. I hope today is better. But I kind of have a negative mind set this morning. I was making my bunk, cleaning up this cage earlier and thinking about these stinking ass American courts and these sorry ass judges. I was just thinking about the law suit that I filed last year to stop the retaliation and criminal conduct of B.V. Reddish and his sorry criminal ass correctional officers, and I thought of how not only did Judge [redacted] take no actions to stop it, but he tied my hands at every corner, which allowed these sorry ass criminals to further violate these so called stinking ass constitutional rights that I have, by placing me in strip cells and assault me twice. Along with all the other crap I endured exercising my so called guaranteed right to freedom of speech. Yeah right! That Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution is straight GARBAGE! That crap's just a lot of pretty meaningless words inside America's prisons where inmates are beaten, raped and murdered by American correctional officers. The ACLU, Amnesty International, none of them organizations stepped forward. Them judges can shove the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution up their ass! Starting with that Uncle Tom SOB Clarence Thomas, who once said after hearing a case on the beating of an inmate, "He isn't dead, is he?" It takes one dumb SOB to say something like that after an inmate/human being sustains a brutal beating at the hands of correctional officers. America, the land of stupidity! See where my mind's at this morning. I'm just so damn tired of this fraudulent ass justice system, the brain dead moron ass judges and these attorneys who don't give a rat's ass about anything but money.
8:20am: Well, that holiday party will be taking place today. I'm already in my orange shirt and pants. My cell is all cleaned and put away. Now just sitting here passing time the best way I can, which is listening to music, writing and wasting time. Last night for mail I got one Christmas card and a short note and story on Carlos Deluna who America railroaded in its screwed up judicial system and then murdered in its death chamber. 'Cause this man was innocent, Carlos Hernandez was the murderer who eventually went to prison for another stabbing and died in prison while serving time on that case. Carlos Deluna lost his life 'cause of a bunch of bloodthirsty vultures who got it WRONG! This is a sick country that murders its own citizens some of who like Carlos Deluna who are completely and totally innocent. Who had nothing to do with the crime. And I mean NOTHING! Get that blood off of your hands, America.
11:02am: The people doing the holiday party started on the north side of the building, so they won't be over here until after 12:30pm. I started one letter, but I haven't done much else. Lunch is coming down right now.
11:34am: There wasn't anything on that tray worth eating other than the bread. Them guys in the kitchen can not cook! Crying shame. I had to go under my music and turn it up to block out this American Idol reject down the hall who's trying to sing. Some people can't sing and don't know it. I can't sing. But I just don't understand people that believe they can sing, when they can't carry a note at all! Idiots! Thank God for ear buds and heavy metal. :) Doesn't look as if the MP3 player man is coming through this week. I'll be glad when this day is over. Next Friday is the end of the world. Yeah - right. You have some crazy people who believe that. People buy into the craziest crap. Well, I'm going to get up and pace for awhile until the people come and gawk at me in my cage. That's how I feel during the party or when they bring tour groups through. But it is what it is, can't do anything but accept it for what it is.
1:45pm: They had the party, but it wasn't as good as it once was, but that's not even important. Some damn nut done killed 18 kids. What in the F- is wrong with people! This is just madness! All these kids looking forward to Christmas vacation and Christmas and some crazy nut done killed 18 children between 5 and 10 years old. What is it - these damn video games? Is that what is making these people lose touch with reality or desensitizing them from reality. I don't get it. This is absolutely heartbreaking. I had to turn the TV off 'cause this is just too depressing. Brought tears to my eyes. Yeah, it's a seriously screwed up world that we live in. Just absolutely sickening.
5:05pm: Yeah, it's sickening, 20 kids, the guy even killed his own mother. They say he was mentally ill. No shit! Anyone who kills people has mental problems. What needs to happen, is all guns need to be outlawed, 'cause the problem with keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, is there's TOO DAMN MANY GUNS! They're too easy to get, and if there was a complete and total ban this type of crap wouldn't happen. And this type of madness is getting to be way too common. Violence breeds violence and guns are violent weapons. They are made for killing. Hunters can get a crossbow compound bow but these damn guns should go for the protection of the children. And damn the NRA gun right nuts. Man, this crap is heartbreaking! I had to turn the TV off, that shit had me in tears.
6:11pm: Just finished eating. All them kids' parents probably won't be eating for days. They're all just going to be sick. I feel for them. I'm waiting on the shower, after that I'm going to sleep.

Saturday December 15, 2012 5:13am: I've been up since 3am, just made the bunk and cleaned up. My first thought when I woke up was of all those kids. That's just so F- up! Well, here comes breakfast. I'll put it in my bowl and eat it later.
6:17am: I feel like shit! I keep thinking of those kids' parents. They're going to wake up this morning hoping it was a nightmare, just a bad dream. All the Christmas gifts are going to be a reminder that their child won't be celebrating Christmas morning; that's just so heartbreaking. Humans are so screwed up. And if there's a God that SOB is more screwed up than us! Where's the God damn compassion! And if you think what I just said is harsh, you wouldn't want to hear what I said yesterday concerning God. I'm seriously pissed off, and just heartbroken over that senseless killing. And it's of my opinion if there's a God, then all the guilt falls at his feet. If you're all knowing and all seeing and you sit and watch murder, molestation, rape etc and you do NOTHING! Then your hands are bloody! I better quit, 'cause people will not like what I've got to say. And I don't want to hear no comments about a bigger picture, and there's a reason for those children dying, yeah there's a reason, we lack a God, or at least one that's loving and compassionate. I'm going to go lay down.
10:00am: I don't like the way the media is covering this school shooting and mentioning the guy's name. This is why nuts do the copy cat killings for fame, well I'll go be more famous than so and so, and this type of coverage infects those who aren't stable to begin with. I think the media is the main problem in today's world. They make psychos famous and they cover crap like that DJ prank that humiliated that nurse and that's stuff that shouldn't be covered. I can't watch that, I'm too depressed as it is, and that had me in tears. Right now got me in tears thinking about it, so that's enough. I got to write a letter or do something to get my mind off of it.
3:15pm: Just been laying around. I started a letter to my mom but didn't get very far. I put the music on and fell asleep for awhile. Just can't get my mind off all them people being killed. Something needs to be done to stop this madness. And the NRA is a major problem. These guns need to go. Someone's got to step up and do something. I've got to stop thinking about this and snap out of this depression.
6:15pm: I watched a boxing match, it was pretty good. That was on CBS. I sure would like to have cable TV to watch Showtime boxing. I caught a glimpse of the news. 7 women, 12 little girls and 8 little boys. Guns need to go, handguns, rifles, all that crap. The only person that should have a gun is a law enforcement officer. I'm probably going to go to sleep here shortly. Put another day behind me. We have 16 more days until the New Year, be glad when it's all over.

Sunday December 16, 2012 5:41am: Just sitting here waiting on breakfast. I've been up since 3:20. Washed and cleaned the cage. I need to do some writing. I need to finish a letter to my mom, my Canadian angel and write Dina and Anne. I owe letters to all of them. Problem is, is I'm short on stamps. I've been trying to get some for 2 weeks with no success. I may do some drawing this morning as well.
6:42am: Finished eating and was sitting here doodling. I really need to get to these letters or do some work on a card. Right now, I'm listening to some music, someone else's. Just checking out some songs to see if I like them. I've heard a couple of good ones. I have a lot better songs than he does. News will be on here shortly, but I don't think I'll watch it. I know what it's going to be about and I can't keep thinking about that. This is kind of like 9/11 when them towers fell, I went into a depression for weeks and I just can't keep going down this road. Manny's death brought me down, and then what happened Friday has just made me sick. I feel so bad for those mothers and fathers and it's just a crying shame that people are so screwed up to do something so sick. It's heartbreaking.
11:09am: I was messing around with a card this morning. Finished a short letter to my mom. I'm fixing to lay back and watch some of the pre game for the Miami Dolphins and Jags.
5:28pm: Just been sitting around watching football. Which I'm fixing to lay back and watch some more. I'll flip over and catch the world news at 6 or 6:30. Survivor won't be on until 8:30pm, after which I'll go to bed. Just been another very long day on Florida's Death Row.


Replies (1) Replies feed

SAH Posted 12 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
tough chit, Clarke. you did the crime...NOW DO THE TIME. Who REALLY cares if you're comfortable, your legs ache, the 3 hots come late...WHO CARES? Save your stamps (we know your commissary acct 350 bucks)won't allow you to stamp. Guess no paints, either (lol). The free world here can see you AND your scams (see balance as of 12/12/2012.

merry fawking xmas

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