Jan. 7, 2013

House Of Healing

by William Goehler (author's profile)


Houses of Healing
Emotional Awareness course

p.11) Coming to know the greater self is at the heart of emotional healing and change
p.10) "who are you anyway?" I am eternal..Iam a spiritual being having this human experience...I am, let`s face it, damaged from unresolved traumatic events as a child,with very little affection while witnessing/experiencing the dysfyuntional abuse within our home- where in naturally developes the phenomenal sub-personalities which express/experience anger,rage,insecurity,shame,guilt,powerlessness,ect.
p.14) All of us develope sub-personalities in childhood that we bring along wiht us into adulthood. The more unsafe or traumatic our childhood, the more we will identify with fear-based feelings - rather than taking the natural course of all human emotions that arise and pass away from time to time, they become an established part of out thinking and feeling.
p.11) An ideal world would have provided a safe, protective,and supportive enviroment to encourage growth and positive potential.
p.13) Part of the process of growing up, of healthy personality development, includes developing and identifying with many sub-personalities...essential parts of a whole and healthy human being.
p.17) In order to grow into our full human potential we need to become aware of the roles, emotions,and beliefs with which we identify... to our core self, so that we can have out emotions,roles,and beliefs without being limited by them.
p.18) Self-awareness developes when we keep growing and maturing into emotionally healthy adults...(with) the ability to stand back and observe which sub-personalities are operating
House of Healing
P.19) Throughout this book you will learn ways to connest and align with the core0self while developing inderstanding and patience for those aspects of the personality which, out of their conditioning ,fear,and feelings of unworthyness, have taken center stage and underminded your genuine power and freedom in the past.
p.20) What is emotional healing? To he whole- is to be open to all who we are, our darkside as well as our light our small selves as well as our greater self. Opening to all of who we are taked the willingness to look honestly at ourselves.
* It also requires a certain amount of skillfull guidance.
Healing is the process of restoring our awareness.
p.23) In order to know your true self, you need to go back and look at how you became the person you are... the choices you made in reation to your childhood shape you personality.
p.28) * Abuse and neglect are a common thread running through the childhood of most prisoners...Most had no role-models of an emotionally healthy, responsible adult in their family.
p.29) ...the fall-out from being treated disrespectfully, neglectfully,and abusefully is enormous. (cf.37)
p.30) When the adults in our life cant be counted on for love and respect, our emotional growth and development is held back.
p.37) * Until the inner child`s pain is honored- like ir or not- we keep playing the same old story( family tradition,by Hank Williams Jr.) ex- A man whose mother never showed up for him emotionally may find himself married to a woman who is not really there for him emotionally. person who hated that parent was an addict finds theirself an addict as well.
p.36) Carl Jung once wrote; The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate.
House of Healing
p.37) Acknowledging the neglect,disrespect, and abuse from the vantage poing of both the inner child and adult self, leads to emotionsl healing. You do the work of going back to your childhood suffering in order to finish the past and move on with greater self respect, freedom,and creative power.
p.80) To morn our losses means to identify the feelings that are associated with the loss and face our feelings openly, honestly, and with gentleness. All healing requires some compassion for ourself, truth telling, and self acceptance.
p.48) Qualities a healthy, loving adult would express, patience, sense of humor, warmth, affection, attention sensitivity, respect, strength, emontional availability, playfulness, kindness, understanding, compassion...


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