"You're Better Than That"
Really - it's like that?! You want to continue on, following inmate blogs, being little more than cyber bullies spreading hate and ill-will towards your fellow man. You people are an emotional and mental mess. You would be far better off seeking some type of help.
Look what you're doing. You're spending valuable time on inmate blogs, time that's taken away from your children and family, and your sole purpose is to come over here with childish, juvenile name-calling and spreading hate on the internet. The problems you have are obvious to the rest of us, you have such low self-esteem, you don't like yourself for one reason or another, and the only way you can feel good about yourself, is by trying to make others feel bad. And you do this by coming on to an inmate blog rubbing salt in the wound trying to inflict further suffering. Loser?! Baby you need to go look in the mirror and recognise that you got some serious issues that need to be addressed. Maybe a trip to the Dr. Phil show and some serious therapy will get you on the right track. See I realise I got issues and skeletons that haunt the hell out of me. I look in the mirror everyday, I know my flaws. I don't like what I see in the mirror. But I don't bully you people have lives or should have lives, should be doing something far more productive with your lives than coming over to between the bars throwing stones, trying to inflict further pain into the lives of men and women who are already suffering. Your behaviour reflects upon yourself as mothers, fathers, etc. in a very poor manner.
And to those who try to compare your comments, to what I write about Warden Barry V. Reddish, don't! 'Cause there's no similarities. My goal with Reddish was to expose and stop the abuse. He is a coward ass bully who was promoted up the chain of command to warden on his daddy's name.
Have I assaulted you? No. Placed you in strip cells? No. Victimised you? No. You come on this and other btb blogs on your own free will. Reddish to stop me humped on and assaulted me twice. A criminal act. A violation of state and federal law. He went overboard reprising me committing unlawful acts. So what I did, you can't compare with your bully acts which have no purpose other than to be little people and make them feel bad about themselves.
You are clearly sick, you need some help, so please, for everyone's sake, seek out some counselling. I'm really trying not to be harsh. It's not like anyone knows who you are, you do get to hide behind a pseudonym, which is something I personally don't like, for I feel it encourages bullies.
But come on, you're better than that. Or at least I'm hoping you are. With that I shall close. I send you peace, love and happiness and wish you the best.
In peace & love,
Ronald W. Clark Jr #812974
Union Correctional Institution
7819 N.W. 228th Street P-6115
Raiford, Fl. 32026-4460
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Replies (3)
I don't read a lot of what you post I must admit, I'm usually in a hurry & your posts are usually very wordy ;) but I respect your right to share what's on your mind without having to suffer personal attacks, the same way I should be able to comment without reprisal.
Take care.
It saddens me that, because of the negative comments that you seem to overwhelmingly attract, your experience here may be very different to many of us. Yet that hasn't deterred you from blogging. Which is encouraging.
I was also thinking that if you and your fellow prisoners could see each others blogs and become more aware of each others inner-most thoughts, learn of each others hopes & dreams (for themselves & their loved ones), I think you would all realize you had more in common than what may be obvious in that environment.
It's a shame that you don't get the full experience from this site as we do. I think just to see your own thoughts reflected in others in your situation, could serve as an important moral support.
I often read about how you are required to act within that environment is very different to the people each of you really are, or want to be. I would love it if you could all begin to know each other, as we have come to know you here. But sadly I know that's not the reality. The masks you're required to wear there will keep your perspectives of each other worlds apart from ours.