Feb. 11, 2013

Give Them Another Chance

by Rechell Williams (author's profile)


Give Them Another Chance

God sees potential in people, even flawed people in prison like myself, and so should you. When we believe in people and encourage them, they can move from the loss column to to the profit column, Some years ago in a manufacturing town in Scotland, a young lady gathered a class of street kids to teach them God's word. To keep them coming back, the superintendent bought each of them a new suit. But after a few weeks, Bob, the most unpromising boy in the class was missing. When she went looking for him she found him with his clothes torn and dirty. So the superintendent bought him another suit and invited him back again. After a few weeks he dropped out of Sunday school once more. Disgusted, the teacher wanted to give up on him. But the superintendent was willing to buy him another suit and allow him to come back if he promised to attend regularly. Bob did. He kept coming, committed his life to Christ and studied for the ministry. That discouraged, forlorn, ragged, runaway boy was Robert Morrison, the great missionary to China to translated the Bible into the Chinese language and opened the kingdom of heaven to countless millions who live there. Some of us prisoners reflect this same story. They have been to prison several times but eventually taste the sweet flavour of continuous freedom. Why? Because someone believed in them and gave the another chance. So, who are you thinking of giving up on? Don't do it! Give them another chance! Another chance can bring about a phenomenal change.

Rechell Williams #v69138 E.3.247
P.P Box 5242
Corcoran, CA 93212


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