A Blessed Man & Woman 1-21-13
A blessed man or woman tends to stand out because their character is deeper, their ideas fresher, their spirit softer, their courage greater, their leadership better, their concerns wider, their compassion more genuine, and their convictions more concrete. They're joyful in spite of difficult circumstances, and show wisdom far beyond their years. And they're full of surprises; you think you have them boxed in, but they turn out to be unpredictable. When you're around them you feel slightly off balance because you don't know what to expect next. Over time you realize that their ideas and actions can be trusted. Why? Because they have a spiritual root system that goes down to streams of living water. Consequently, what they put their hand to "prospers". And you can live this way. How? By setting your spiritual priorities in concrete. The arch enemy of spiritual growth is busyness, which is closely tied to something the Bible calls "worldliness" - getting caught up with society's agenda to the neglect of walking with God. Any way you cut it, a key ingredient to prospering is - time. Not left-over time, not throw-away time, but quality time. Time for meditation; time for communication. Unhurried, uninterrupted time with God. Prison virtually saved my life. I know that may sound incomprehensible, but it's the truth. My prison cell has literally become my think tank. It allows you to discover the "real" you. It's far from paradise but much better than the life I was living. And to all the people who were a part of my past lifestyle whom I may have hurt or bruised their heart, I pray you accept my most sincere apology and hope you can find a small place in your heart to forgive my intrusion or violation of your emotions. And that's not just because I'm confined to a prison cell, it just needs to be said. Anything else would be selfish! God bless, from a blessed man!
Rechell Williams #V69138 E-3-247
P.O. Box 5242
Corcoran, CA 93212
2016 aug 5
2016 jul 25
2016 jun 25
2016 jun 13
2016 may 28
2016 may 26
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