Feb. 23, 2013

Comment Response

by Anthony Peete (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  The Puzzle Of Life thumbnail
The Puzzle Of Life
(Dec. 2, 2012)


Reply ID: wpy3

Dearest Nicola,

Hi, I just wanted to check on you because I seen on the world news that your side of the world has had a lot of bad storms of late. Nicola, I hope & pray that you and yours are well. When you find time please let me know that you're okay.


Your friend

Anthony 1-31-13


Replies (2) Replies feed

Nicki Posted 11 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Hi Anthony, thank you for your concern :) we have been doing it tough of late, but we seem to be well practiced in surviving and cleaning up after natural disasters. I believe what you're referring to were the extensive bush fires throughout New South Wales and Tasmania and a week later flooding throughout Queensland and into New South Wales... If It's not burnt out, its been washed away! ;)

The damage has been extensive but with well funded government departments, experienced and well resourced emergency services and our armed forces infrastructure has been replaced quickly. These things occurred on/around Australia Day (our national day) and some towns have just celebrated "Australia Day 2" as they were unable to celebrate on 26 January :) Social media also now plays a major part in saving lives as information is shared instantly via Facebook and text alert messages sent by government departments to those in effected areas.

Nicki Posted 11 years, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 11 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
To answer your questions specifically, where I live had continuous torrential rain for 2 days & 2 nights. It came off a weather system that was an ex tropical cyclone. We didn't suffer much damage here in north eastern Australia but as the water flowed down stream and the weather system with it, it got out of control in some areas and there are now plans to relocate some suburbs to higher ground (where many homes were washed away completely), in case of future flooding.

My brother lives in one of the heavily flooded areas but built his house on a hill (he was the smart little piggy :) he is also an electrician, so his business benifits from these events... I guess thats one of the benifits of natural disasters... The work they generate. Not to mention timely reminders to us all that what we hold dear can all be taken from us in an instant, I think we come out of these events realising how lucky we really are and what truly matters. My mother is also at the Gold Coast (surfers paradise) and you may have seen some footage of ocean foam there. There was a car completely emerged in the foam & drove out, to the surprise of those nearby :)

In short... My family and friends all fared well this time. For some though it is the 2nd or 3rd event they've suffered in as many years and its the lasting psychological effects on the survivors (specifically the children) that interest & concern me.

Thank you for your concern. You're a good friend! :)

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