Recent Comments Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
hey todd

its lil deb just wanted to let you know i got money on my phone so call me k

sending you all my love/loyalty/and respects your way full blast

Posted on Untitled by Todd Givens Untitled
William Irving Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on A Man And Two Women by William Irving A Man And Two Women
jenh Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Misty,
Thanks for responding to my comment. When I posted it I didn't realize that you wrote your poem so long ago. Wow. It sounds even crazier in there than I thought. Privacy takes on a whole new meaning. I had to read some of your comments a few times because I wasn't sure I understood what you meant. When you said you felt like a stripper I didn't get it at first. I thought you were talking about taking a shower or something, then when I reread it I could see that you were talking about being searched. Am I right on that? Sorry, I always thought that inmates were basically searched when they first got into prison or for special circumstances. How often are you ladies made to go though that process? It sounds like it happens all the time. Humiliating doesn't even describe it. I don't think I could ever get used it. Do you have to do that in front of other inmates too? Sorry for all my stupid questions, I guess I was just surprised to hear that it was like that. You must be a strong woman to be able to deal with things like that all the time.
I'm really glad you were able to respond. I wasn't sure that my comment would reach you.
Best wishes,


Posted on Penitentiary Ways! by Misty M. Torres Penitentiary Ways!
Robert Pezzeca Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Comment Response by Robert Pezzeca Comment Response
Robert Pezzeca Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Robert Russell Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on You Must Dig Deep To Get To The Roots...Or by Robert Russell You Must Dig Deep To Get To The Roots...Or
christipep Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Dearest Marteze: This reply doesn't require a reply or answer of any kind. I just wanted you to know that I sent a LONNG letter to you, by "Snail-Mail", 2-3 weeks ago but it got sent back to me, bc, somehow, after all these years, and ALLL those letters, I addressed it wrong. Can you believe that? I'm very sorry. I'll try to send a new one this week. I hope this is cool with you?

Your forever friend, Ms. Chrissi G. 😀

Posted on Why Are Great Men Forgotten by Marteze Harris Why Are Great Men Forgotten
Rita Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
hello Kelly,It's been a while I heard from you. I really hope you are doing well.Tomorrow I am leaving Antwerp to go to the coast.In Koksijde, mom and me will care for Lynn, 3 and a half yr.:) Mom stays a week, while I stay fifteen days.We'll be in their apartment they recently bought.Well, her dad and Bart paid it together.He put the money in a real estate, because they tax him so very much in Argentina! That is what they do if you have you earn your money in BE!So now that money is better spent. :)Mom,me and little Lynn will enjoy the sea breeze!School resumes in September.I am back home on august the 29th. September will be a busy month!I will paint then a painting for a contest. The jury will decide if I can hang it in an exhibition hall, together with works of other artists.the theme: 'Zone'. I will paint something from nature: or a garden, or an abstract painting with greens, etc or a mosaic like painting, having to do with nature?I've two workshops as well: Music(our voice!) and a workshop called: Nature as our personal coach. I HAD 2 other workshops in the past.Modern Dance (intense!) and one of Poetry. They were great!I know now Goedele, a new friend, through my Dance course..She takes in September classes of Modern Dance.I still do Biodanza.The origin lays in Chile.On October 6 I fly to Leslie in CA, San Diego.Then on October 22nd I have a flight to Chicago. On October 25th I've my first visit with George. :)I really hope we will have a 'normal' visit this time!
The man who drives his dad, can't do it perhaps?He will have surgery.Maybe at the last moment?

Well Kelly,I would like to wish you better times, and a good cell mate too.Know that I care! A big hug from Rita! x

Posted on Untitled by Kelly Jones Untitled
Rita Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
hi George,

Tomorrow I leave Antwerp to watch Lynn, together with mom. She stays a week, while I stay 15 days at the coast; Koksijde, where they have an apartment.Bart picks me up, than mom.On august the 29th I am back home.I've to paint a painting for a contest. A judge decides if my painting will hang in an exhibition hall, together with other art objects. The theme: 'Zone'. I will paint something from nature.A garden, an abstract painting with greens, etc, or maybe a mosaic like scene? That's for September. I'll be busy! I've two workshops as well.
One with Music,(the voice!) and one called:'Nature as your personal coach'.Perhaps my niece Bertrada will visit me; the second daughter of uncle Oktaaf.In September I will prepare my visit to you, George!In Chester I've a week, Best Western, and the second week: The Hospitality House.If a group there doesn't show up, I can go from the beginning of my staying. That would be much cheaper in price!On October 6 I fly to San Diego.My first day to visit you George, would be October 25, with or without your dad. All depends if John is capable to drive?
Wish you a splendid day and know that I care. Hugs from Rita!

Posted on Comment Response by George Peter Jr Comment Response
christipep Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Dearest Marteze: This "comment" will not require a response. I just HAD TO let you know that I DID send you a letter, by "Snail-Mail", two weeks ago, 9 pages worth. But..... it, UNFORTUNATELY got returned to me. After all this time, I had addressed it incorrectly. I'm very sorry, Teze. I WILL do it again, today, Sunday, August 20th. I promise that I will take my time and, address it correctly this time. After all, I don't have a Surplus of stamps/envelopes. As I'm sure you don't, either.

Chrissi 😇😇

Posted on Untitled by Marteze Harris Untitled
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