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Antoine Murphy Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on How Do You Deal With Life's Anxieties by Antoine Murphy How Do You Deal With Life's Anxieties
Steve J. Burkett Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Steve J. Burkett Untitled
Antoine Murphy Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Share Something U Recently Read..... by Antoine Murphy Share Something U Recently Read.....
RansomTheCaptive Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing - I finished the transcription for your post. God bless you.

Posted on What Is Torture by Bobby-Joe Bayer What Is Torture
Shawn Perrot Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Steve J. Burkett Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Love Note by Steve J. Burkett Love Note
Antoine Murphy Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Share Something U Recently Read..... by Antoine Murphy Share Something U Recently Read.....
TrustinGod Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
I am so sorry and want you to know you are loved. We give illegals and terrorists better treatment then you it seems, yet all the outside hears is how great the Department is doing. Bull as I have had friends and relatives who worked in San Quentin and Folsom.They would speak of the mistreatment of prisoners by guards who just wanted some excitement.I may not write as often as I should as life seems to be going by at a faster rate each year but that isn't an excuse. hoping you aren't badly affected by the rain and flooding as there is nothing on the internet. And as there being anything on the other side there are only 2 things living with god by giving your life to Him or total destruction because the Bible doesn't describe Hell the way it has been taught in the churches.just remember as I have told you for years and I know (Paul?) has Jesus is always there to listen and give you the peace of mind to endure.

Posted on What Is Torture by Bobby-Joe Bayer What Is Torture
Rita Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
hi Kelly,you mean I've to fill in a form saying I never met you before?Like that other form, remember!?I guess this prison is more open and less severe,no?You can't be at a better place, am I right?The more we search for a friend, the less we find one.Let all go it's way; it'll come.Kathleen recently met a man in Holland, when she least expected it!I never would have found George when one day I hadn't decided to write an American inmate a letter.Just because I had lived in America before, and be a friend to somebody who most probably had a hard life in prison.Tending a hand... and look what happened.:o Your energy attract similar people; that is a law: the law of attraction. Well, it has actually another name as well.In Biodanza(roots in Chile)you
cuddle a lot!One gives kisses, hugs, caresses, etc Yvi leads our group.She was taught to be such a coach.She demonstrates always a small part of a particular type of dance; f ex: a fire dance.It is very free dancing, with two people, more or single. New members announce themselves.Men and women all ages; danced barefoot. We drink a lot too.It takes always one hour and a half at a nice place.Kathleen will introduce me in a Dutch group.She drives me to Holland then.Next time Leo will try such a dance.I guess he like me very much.But I only love George of course.:))Nevertheless he will join us for a Biodanza, although he doesn't see himself hugging a man; he loves women.I met him lately on my bike and we drank some teas in a close by was late when we came home!He is very smart in history!And he draws cartoons.His friend Lorette is crazy about him, but he doesn't like to tell her she doesn't attract him.They live in apart apartments, but as brother and sister.He doesn't like to hurt her feelings, as she is a wonderful human.Love is soooo very complicated!
Well, my slow juicer arrived her today: August 31. I will drink only juices(veggies and fruit) for 7 days. Then restart slowly solid food again. I should loose 3kg at least.Also purifying my body. I'm looking out for it!
Stay well, have confidence, and above all, feel loved.
The saying for today:'Ninety percent of wisdom consists in being wise at the exact point of time'. -Theodore Roosevelt

Ps. I will imagine your presence at my next Biodanza!:)

Posted on Dear Readers (8/8/16) by Kelly Jones Dear Readers (8/8/16)
Rita Posted 7 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
dear Kelly,So sorry you lost your worth full note book!It was so precious to you. Why do they always let disappear property?Can't you claim it?They put people so very easily in the hole.Just for small purposes.Do you still do yoga? Meditate?How about your buddhistic reunions? Did Martine just stop writing you one day or did she had a reason, Kelly?Well, we at leas remain friend, do we?:)Yes, one day I'd love to meet you in person! As I said before, you would go along very well with George. I told you he is buddhist as well, did I?He lately doesn't talk anymore about assisting those groups, so I wondered?Yes, a language you learn better listening to the sounds going with it?I did so by surfing on Lately I was so very busy taking care of Lynn; 10 days at the coast, an additional day watching Lynn and her little brother Lars and today again she came over to my apartment and we went to the park.Playing in the sand and going on the climbing and sliding toys. Making new friends too. We hadn't the time to swim.She came here only for a few hours.She recognized my friend Kathleen, 48 eating with Raymond, her friend.He is married and his wife knows he sees her once and a while.It was to celebrate her last days of vacation.She's teaching small children and youngsters who have learning difficulties.She is divorced and doesn't have children.That is hard on her!She lives close by.We went together to a Jazz Festival in Antwer(en).Groups from all over the world performed: from Chili, from Etiopia, etc She also filmed while making music.When was at the coast, she came to visit us for one day and made a web album. So great! Lynn sang when the sun went down and she filmed the sunset.:)We did so many activities Lynn and me and we also had great weather!Oh,on the 4th of September I will have a diet juice cure of 7 days.It purifies and detoxes your body. One looses 3 kilos at least, if not more!You fell really energized from it.Jason Vale is one of the most known British health coaches.He helped heavy weighing people and movie stars as well.
I like so much to loose if only two kilos, and now I finally will succeed doing that!I know of 2 other people seeing my results and doing it also.One of my current projects is to paint a painting with the theme: Zone.It's for a contest. Hope a judge accepts me!Also textiles, and other creative actions are done: like sculpting.I will paint something from nature: a garden, a mosaic creation with nature elements or an abstract work with plant items,...End of September it has to be ready. Perhaps I start tomorrow,August 31 and my slow juicer arrives tomorrow as well. Wish you more luck in life, dear friend. Here is my saying for you:'Impossible is a word I never pronounce'.- Jean Francois Collin d'Harleville. I watched tonight a program about Diane's (the British princess) dead.She touched so many hearts!:o

Take care and relax!Good for your crocheted items! xxx from Rita!

Posted on Dear Readers by Kelly Jones Dear Readers
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