I hate this i sent a big long response and the comp messed it up and it was lost. You know your daughter has a what right? John is about as far from God as can be. My child had a right to live but john who wanted our child so much, in one of his crazy fits killed our child, left my 5 yr old for dead on our bed after beating him with fists and feet. Tied up and beat my two dobermans And almost killing me. He took my ability to ever give birth to any child due to the damage to my insides. I have had over 20 surgeries on my jaw, nose, back, leg, shoulder and female organs because of the direct damage of the beating. My son has had anger and anxiety issues his whole life because of johns beatings. And last YOUR DAUGHTER OLDER SIBLING DIED! Never got a chance bexause of her dna donor. I guess you your happy john that Is such a mean evil person. Because if he didnt have that evilness i probably would of stayed with my husband because i loved the small part of him when he wasnt abusive, .... to me strangers men children animals etc.... just fyi i know much more about johns relationships and abuse after he was released from prison the first time. As i was kept in the know by the courts due to protection issues. Luckily when he was put in prison ladt time the attorneys and victims wittness were able to get the judge to accept the files and awful pictures of me and my son from the first hearing, so i didnt have to testify. They were going to fly me down to testify in his three stikes case. I was refusing but they were threatening me with arrest but were able to get it so i didnt have to. I went to college moved forward the best i could but johns abuse EXTREME forever affected every day of my life since, physically and emotionally. Why would you want your daughter to have anything to do with that monster? DNA does not make a father and hopefully she is nothing like him beyond his looks. Drs told me yrs ago john due to his diagnosis would never marry anyone elsr. John told me tge same. That as far as he was concerned i would always be his wife. From what i have been told apparently....... oh i was also told that after he got out he choose woman that already had emotional or mental issues to pray on in an attempt that they wouldnt stand up for themselves like i did. I dont know if your one of them that dropped charges or hid abuse or if your the one he was arrested on last that attempted to drop charges. But i know how much john lies and can make you believe he will never do it ahain. How he can wine and dine and woo a woman. He waited on me had and foot and pampered me and bought me things etc... when he wasnt in a rage, in an attempt to make me bwlieve he was sorry. But.... it was alwats a game. You the other woman and his live children. Are no differnt or better then me my son our deceased child etc.... nothing matters to john but john. Everybody is just something to use and destroy.... why would you want your daughter to not know the truth?
JT.......please don't ask difficult questions. It shines a light on the holes in the scam.
Such as where is the $10000.00 that the DOC had to pay him on a litigation. You can buy a hell of a telephone with that kind of money. Or did he just blow it all without a thought for his needs on re-entry into society? Of course if you can sucker someone else into footing the bill......why not.
Hello Henry, first let me say it is a nice surprise to hear from you. Second I'm not sure that I'm comfortable corresponding this way. I see at the bottom of the page there is an email option, can you receive and send emails? I will try sending you one I guess and see what happens. According to my GPS your about 80-95 miles from me depending on route and traffic. I remember Angelo and the rest from Sullivan, that's where I met Kip and me and Dylan spent a whole lot of time in the Law Library researching Kip's case. I'll try email and a letter next as I have a lot to tell you. I almost died 3 times since September 2016, I'm currently on disability and trying to stay out of the Hospital and pay my bills. I spent more time in the Hospital between 9/26/16 and 2/12/17 then at home. I was admitted on 5 separate occasions and in between the longest time at home was less than a month. I'm finally starting to do better as I've now been at home since 2/12/17. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Esophageal Cancer and have a 40% chance of survival over the next five years. The operation to remove my esophagus took 8 hours and since then I've had 9 other procedures due to complications. It's almost midnight and I need to stop to take medication which I take through what's called a "J" tube which is also how I get most of my nutrition. I also have a MRI scheduled for 11a.m. tomorrow morning and need to get some rest. I'll get back to u later. Send me visiting instructions and rules also the phone number of the Facility and a name on the slim chance I can visit I'd need to coordinate a few things such as my medication. Till next time, your friend, Glenn
Tamara, I am Mehl, Trisha's Mother. My daughter has her God given grace and her own right entitling her knowing her father, John. By no means do I wish to disregard your pain,your losses. I would like for you to do the same. Most sincerely Tamara. Mehl.
Hello Sissy,John,Trisha! I can be reached at 619-581-8827. Thank you John, fragility on my behalf you mentioned is kind. I appreciated it, you have been the only person mindful. Mehl
Is such a mean evil person. Because if he didnt have that evilness i probably would of stayed with my husband because i loved the small part of him when he wasnt abusive, .... to me strangers men children animals etc.... just fyi i know much more about johns relationships and abuse after he was released from prison the first time. As i was kept in the know by the courts due to protection issues. Luckily when he was put in prison ladt time the attorneys and victims wittness were able to get the judge to accept the files and awful pictures of me and my son from the first hearing, so i didnt have to testify. They were going to fly me down to testify in his three stikes case. I was refusing but they were threatening me with arrest but were able to get it so i didnt have to. I went to college moved forward the best i could but johns abuse EXTREME forever affected every day of my life since, physically and emotionally. Why would you want your daughter to have anything to do with that monster? DNA does not make a father and hopefully she is nothing like him beyond his looks. Drs told me yrs ago john due to his diagnosis would never marry anyone elsr. John told me tge same. That as far as he was concerned i would always be his wife. From what i have been told apparently....... oh i was also told that after he got out he choose woman that already had emotional or mental issues to pray on in an attempt that they wouldnt stand up for themselves like i did. I dont know if your one of them that dropped charges or hid abuse or if your the one he was arrested on last that attempted to drop charges. But i know how much john lies and can make you believe he will never do it ahain. How he can wine and dine and woo a woman. He waited on me had and foot and pampered me and bought me things etc... when he wasnt in a rage, in an attempt to make me bwlieve he was sorry. But.... it was alwats a game. You the other woman and his live children. Are no differnt or better then me my son our deceased child etc.... nothing matters to john but john. Everybody is just something to use and destroy.... why would you want your daughter to not know the truth?
Such as where is the $10000.00 that the DOC had to pay him on a litigation. You can buy a hell of a telephone with that kind of money. Or did he just blow it all without a thought for his needs on re-entry into society? Of course if you can sucker someone else into footing the bill......why not.