Feb. 24, 2013


by Chris Hall



To further illustrate the justification, and need, in my opinion, for Crusades, let's look at the corrupting influence of a rotten culture. Well all do, in fact, have free will. No-one can force us to act, or think, or will. But that does not mean that they cannot INFLUENCE these choices. We all, scientists and psychologists alike, understand and acknowledge the various influences that act upon our decision-making processes.

We've all got external influences, such as genetically hardwired pre-dispositions and inherited character traits, then we each have various societal influences, which is what the particular environment you live in or were raised in feel you should do or be. Some may call this 'peer pressure,' the desire to fit in or gain acceptance from others, which may not be the same thing you would do in a different environment or without such influences.

Psychologists have argued which influence is stronger for decades, "Nature vs. Nurture" they frame the argument. Yet all of them accept the fact that they both play an impact on what we decide to do, and when.

The combined total of a society's beliefs, values, ideals, etc. we label as a Culture. It's how we think, act, and operate. It defines who we are, it's what separates us from other peoples, nations, and religions. It's a form of 'groupthink,' and we can see it's evidence everywhere.

Now let's suppose that we really truly believe in the resurrection from the dead. That we will one day be judged for our actions in the body. And beyond that, that certain behaviours are harmful to us right here, in this mortal life. Why would we want to tolerate a culture that influenced our children or other members to make a decision that is harmful, both temporarily and eternally to them? Would we not right perceive this as a threat to their security?

For example, and I'm not limiting this solely to the 'hip-hop' culture, it applies to several aspects of the decadence of the American culture. But to limit the discussion, let's look at the hip-hop scene. We have a pretty strong, viable sub-culture there that idealises drug-dealing, prostitution, murder and gangbanging. I'm not going so far as to claim 'the music made me do it' excuse. Again, we all have free will. But if a whole genre glorifies and idealises such behaviour, can we not see how that would/does affect aspirations and decisions. There's a saying, 'admiration leads to emulation.' Can we not see how, especially with young people. such deceptive glorification may cause them to have a false perception of reality?

Surely we don't hear them glorifying the consequences, long prison sentences, state executions, fatherless children, suicides, diseases...etc. We only see the false promises of a lifestyle that we know leads to slavery and death.

The same can be said of mainstream culture. The whole materialistic me-me-me culture to impel us to pursue money and wealth above family, nation, or neighbour. We can list the various destructive lifestyles modern day American culture celebrates and promotes all day long, but the point is that it is destructive and harmful, and further, that it is exerting a negative influence on future generations.

The opposite could very well hold true. It is possible to use 'peer pressure' and culture to impel people to strive for virtues and Godly principles. We, as a nation, could once again create a culture that valued such principles as truthfulness, loyalty, self-sacrifice, integrity, and faithfulness. We could, in fact, discourage and disdain those who wilfully lived contrary to such things. We could just as easily, point out the negativity attached to drug abuse/distribution, prostitution, murder and gangbanging as we are presently glorifying it. Can we not see how this would effect a younger generation? And what decisions they choose to make when presented with both sides of the story? As opposed to the lies and glamorisations that Hollywood and mainstream America presents to us? Can we not see that our world-leading prison population is a direct consequence of this?

Back to the Crusades. Some people say that to abolish such system, through warfare if necessary, is evil. I dissent. I can think of nothing more beneficial to or for the survival of a generation and a people than the absolute destruction of those set on destroying them by an mean possible, even those set on destroying them through lies and deceptions into an attempt to manipulate them into destroying themselves.

I agree that war should be a last resort, but sometimes when good argument fail, there seems to be no other recourse. Sometimes the enemy is so dead-set determined to destroy everything Holy, at their own personal gain and in pursuit of their own twisted deviant desires that they can only and must be opposed through armed conflict. I feel that we are rapidly approaching that point in American history now.

Some people say that war is wrong for any reason. Some people say only fools think we can get to heaven by waging war, some say that war can never be selfless or based on love... I disagree. I can think of no better justification than the minds and souls of future generations.


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